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12 arrested in sex offender compliance busts

Multiagency sweep results in a number of new charges

Multiagency sweep results in a number of new charges


Multiagency sweep results in a number of new charges


For three days in early March, law enforcement agencies across multiple jurisdictions carried out a large-scale operation in Crittenden County aimed at ensuring compliance among registered sex offenders. From March 4 to March 6, a coordinated effort led by the Arkansas Division of Community Correction’s Sex Offender Services Unit brought together agents from local, state and federal agencies to verify that offenders were following state laws.

The operation involved of_cers from the Crittenden County Sheriff’s Of_ce, the West Memphis and Marion Police Departments, the Jonesboro Police Department, the Arkansas National Guard, the Arkansas Internet Crimes Against Children (ICAC) Division of the Arkansas State Police, the United States Marshals Service, and the 2nd Judicial Prosecuting Attorney’s Of_ce. Their objective was to conduct early morning compliance checks at the residences of approximately 100 registered sex offenders in the county, with a particular focus on those classi_ed as moderate to high-risk.

Agents carried out consent searches at each offender’s residence, ensuring they were adhering to the state’s strict registration requirements. During these visits, of_cers also conducted onsite forensic examinations of digital devices, including computers, cell phones, tablets, and other storage devices, looking for any illegal materials. Over the course of the three-day sweep, law enforcement arrested 12 individuals on a variety of charges, including possession of child sexual material, unlawful _rearm possession, participation in a criminal gang and failure to comply with sex offender registration laws.

To see registered sex offenders in your local are visit the Arkansas Sex Offender Registry portal at sexoffender

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