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New State Rep. fined in ethics case

Former Hughes mayor cited for failure to file timely paperwork

Former Hughes mayor cited for failure to file timely paperwork


Former Hughes mayor cited for failure to file timely paperwork


Arkansas District 63 Rep. Lincoln Barnett (D-Hughes) agreed to pay a $1,000 _ne last month and has received a public letter of caution from the Arkansas Ethics Commission following an ethics complaint regarding late campaign _nance _lings, according to commission records.

The investigation into Barnett’s campaign _nance records began on August 6, when he was noti_ed of concerns regarding his pre-election report for the primary runoff election, his April monthly report, and his _nal report for the runoff. On October 2, the Ethics Commission expanded its inquiry to include his October, November, and December 2023 monthly reports, as well as his pre-election and _nal reports for the primary election and his May and August monthly reports.

The Arkansas Ethics Commission determined that Barnett, a Democrat from Hughes who also previously served as the city’s mayor, violated Arkansas Code 7-6-232(c) and 7-6-207 by failing to _le multiple campaign _nance and expenditure reports on time during the 2024 election cycle.

According to the settlement, Barnett failed to submit a delinquent campaign and expenditure report within 30 days of the original deadline, despite receiving three written notices. The _nal overdue report in question was for the Primary Runoff Election. In addition, Barnett was cited for missing several other required _lings throughout the election cycle.

Despite these infractions, Barnett successfully won the House District 63 seat. He defeated fellow Democrat Fred Leonard in a primary runoff before securing a victory against Republican Tammi Northcutt Bell in the general election. The seat was previously held by Rep. Deborah Ferguson (D-West Memphis).


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