Marion makes merry with parade
Christmas tradition draws a crowd despite cold
It wouldn’t be Christmas in Marion without the city’s annual Christmas Parade. Despite the dip in temperature that definitely made feel a lot like the holiday season, folks bundled up and lines Old Military Road to watch the cavalcade of merrymakers go by.
This year’s theme was “Christmas in Toyland,” and participants got into the spirit with a medley of themed floats and traveling displays. And, of course, there was plenty of candy being tossed out to the kids along the route.
The Marion Patriot Pride Marching Band led the way at the Christmas Parade.
Photos by Ralph Hardin
It was a chilly night but folks came out to celebrate in their winter wear anyway.
You know it’s a Christmas parade in the south when there’s a John Deere tractor decked out in Christmas lights!
Nothing says “Christmas” like a Chickfil-A cow in a Santa suit.
Kiddos scramble to collect candy tossed from passing floats.
From traditional floats to decked-out cars and truck, the Marion Christmas Parade had a little bit of everything.
Happy holidays, of course, include a delicious Tootsie Pop.
The Marion Flag Team spreads some holiday cheer.
This year’s theme was “Christmas in Toyland.”
Good times with good friends at the Marion Christmas Parade!
A big crowd gathered along Old Military Road to watch the parade pass by.