Church Announcements
Send church items to by 10 a.m. Wednesday. The deadline for faxed items and hand-delivered items is Tuesday; the fax number is 870-735-1020. To place notice of standard service times, contact our retail advertising department at 870-735-1010.
Men and Boys breakfast Sunday, July 21 at 8 a.m. All men and boys welcome! Wednesday evening July 31st Miles Pike in Concert. Check him out on Youtube. All are welcome. For more information go to www.cornerstonewm. org. Billy Oyler, pastor.
• East Arkansas District Association Congress:
The 81st annual session of the East Arkansas District Congress of Christian Education will convene at 5:45 p.m. nightly, July 14-18, 2019, at Second St.
John M. B. Church, located at 305 Ingram Blvd., West Memphis. The Sunday night speaker will be Dr.
K. C. McKenney, Congress President and pastor of First Baptist Church of Edmondson, AR.
The EADA Congress will offer the following adult courses: The Holy Spirit by Rev. Fredrick Dorsey; Re-Thinking Christian Education taught by Dr. K. C.
McKenney; The Work of the Youth Director taught by Minister Bonnie Edwards; Developing Women’s Ministry taught by Minister Vanessa Howard and Pastors and Ministers Seminar facilitated by Pastor Fredrick Anthony and Pastor G. B. Steele.
The East Arkansas District Congress will also offer children and youth classes for ages 3 to 18. This year’s theme is, “Envisioning the Future Exceptionally As we Grow Disciples for Christ.” The Congress is asking all pastors and ministers to attend the Congress this year. We need your support in our district. Our unity ensures improvement in our churches and community. Dr. K.
C. McKenney, Congress President, Mrs. Carolyn V.
Jackson, Congress Dean and Rev. Lovell Howard Assistant Dean.
• Greater St. Mark Christian Church: Will be at Rising Sun MB Church located in Sunset, this Sunday, time 11 a.m. An Unveiling Ceremony of the late Pastor H.W. Showers will be initiated. Remembering the love and where special reflections will be given. Asking all pastor’s, ministers, mother’s, deacons and friends to come out and help us celebrate the legacy. Guest speaker will be Pastor S.L. Smith.
All are cordially welcome to this special service.
• New Hope Church:
55th Church Anniversary Sunday, July 14 at 2:30 p.m. at 817 S. 14th St., West Memphis. Some of our special guests will be Bishop Terry Williams along with Semmes Street Baptist Church of Memphis, Tennessee. Everyone is invited! Rev. Troy Mc-Clenton, pastor.
• New Salem Missionary Baptist Church: Women’s Day Service Sunday, June 14 during the 11 a.m.
morning worship service located at South Avalon/ College Road. Guest speaker will be Evangelist Darlene Granger. James Reynolds Jr., host pastor.
• New Zion: Fellowship Day Sunday, July 14 at 3 p.m. at 210 E. Polk, West Memphis. Special guest Bishop T. Chambliss and Powerhouse Agape, also Not Ashamed Praise Team & Mt. Olive MB Church and many, many others.
Come out and be blessed.
Lady Parker, sponsor. S. J. Parker Sr., pastor.
• Old St. Paul News: We will not have children’s church or youth service on Sunday, July 14. Frederick S. Anthony, host pastor.
• Unity Baptist Church:
Pastor’s aid program on Sunday, July 14 at 2:30 p.m. at 719 S. 11th St., West Memphis. Guest will be Dr. E. D. Whitfield and the Beautiful Zion Baptist Church family. Please join us and help us praise God.
Dr. Herman Coleman, host pastor.