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The story, untold…


There’s a joke going ‘round—Know the difference between God and federal judges?

God does not think he’s a federal judge!

And with that joke and to those who have an inquisitive bent, the phrase “the story untold” headline used here may seem very applicable and have special meaning at this particular point in time, esp. re: those self-same judges who do think they are God.

There appears to be a pitched battle between liberal, far-left activist judges on the bench , in their protected blue enclaves for the most part, who apparently feel that it is in their prerogative—and indeed, is their duty—to legislate from the bench, despite all evidence to the contrary—having no authority or having lack of standing in order to even conduct a trial.

The problem with that?

It would, of course, negate and render completely useless and impotent the other two branches of the United States government: The legislative branch (Congress—both the House and Senate), as well as the executive branch (the President) whose mandate is to regulate the affairs of state.

It would, as well, completely demolish any and all Constitutional authority, as it renders the other two branches of ‘elected officials’ of the people null and void—destroying completely our republic’s carefully-crafted system of checks and balances which were so painstakingly forged by our forefathers.

But, that’s completely okay for some…like far-left lunatic federal judges.

See HALL, page A6

Robert L.

Hall American Voices

From page A4

Brings to mind the question of the little girl to her mother: “Mommy, what is hypocrisy?”

Whereupon the mother answers: “Well, Honey…that’s when unelected people say they are saving democracy by imprisoning their political opponents when they are in power, then over-stepping their authority when they are not in power—trying to overrule our elected officials and violating their oath of office to protect and defend the Constitution.”

And that is precisely what we are witnessing now—an unprecedented number of judicial far-left activists filing injunctions and the like to carry out a judicial coup d’etat against our rightful and lawful U.S. government and its citizenry.

A real and present insurrection— not like the fake J6 fiasco. These Deep-Staters regional judges are actually trying to assume powers they do not possess—and never did.

Just a new trend from the unhinged Left, joining a long chain of Trump Derangement Syndrome obsession that has mentally derailed them, leaving them to leap into action at the present moment—throwing up obstacles to removing illegal gangbangers from our shores, purge 120-years olds (presumably) from the Social Security rolls, fire stay-athome Deep State placeholders from government jobs they are not doing—all the while eliminating waste, fraud, and abuse numbering in the trillions of dollars!

Yet, these Obama/Biden judges aren’t having it, as they are attempting to ‘slowroll’ any and all attempts to improve our government and save all of us taxpayers a wad of money.

And I don’t know about you, but I could use a few more bucks.

But, it won’t happen with this delusional crowd—these Lefty Loonies with their ‘Science.’

You know…like, it’s been three years now since Covid…shouldn’t all the unvaccinated be dead by now?

Or, how about Democrats saying men can’t speak about abortion, when just last year they were saying men could be pregnant (they ‘follow the science’ you know?)

Just ask Democrat Governor of Minnesota, ‘Tampon Tim’ Walz, who ordered female hygiene products for boy’s bathrooms in schools for his state in 2023.

And—now, back to judges.

Remember this Oldie-Goldie interaction?

Question: Marsha Blackburn( R-TN): “Can you provide a definition for the word ‘woman’?”

Response: Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson: “Can I provide a definition?”

Blackburn: “Mhmm, yeah.”

Jackson: “No, I can’t.”

Blackburn: “You can’t?”

Jackson: “Not in this context-I’m not a biologist.”

And that person is now a Supreme Court Judge!

Think about that for a moment.

Would you like Judge Ketanji Brown Jackson sitting on the bench, if you were on trial?

What if it was a major paternity suit or the Equal Rights Amendment for Women (for instance) that was in question? How would someone who does not know what a woman is decide anything in that (as Jackson herself called it: “context?”) Impossible.

And this…more of the George Soros and globalist crowd, as well as the Pope…all saying walls are “immoral,” in connection with illegal aliens flooding into American—then the Vatican is completely enclosed by a 40-foot wall and trespassers subject to monetary fines ranging from 10,000 to 25,000 euros (about $10,200 to $25,700) and prison sentences range from one to four years.

Or even George Soros’ native Hungary where he was born?

Hungary’s Prime Minister, Viktor Orban, says his government will defy all European Union rulings and continue its controversial immigration laws, which criminalize lawyers and activists who even help asylum seekers— much less, even have any illegals within their borders.

Well, well, well.

But, you know, with this crowd it was never about ‘doing what we do.’

It’s always about ‘doing what we SAY, don’t you know?’

But, it’s like the old coach, Wes Fesler, said about such matters: “Hypocrisy is the audacity to preach integrity from a den of corruption.”

And I think these black-robed judges in their sequestered courtrooms—tucked away within their deep-blue enclaves of power today pretty much have that ‘down pat.’

All of them are so deeply conflicted that my cat’s litter box is cleaner than any of these judges.

But, perhaps the best quote that captures the whole matter at hand?

This, from Johann Wolfgang von Goethe: “A straight path cannot be reached by crooked ways.”

And he ought to know, after all—didn’t he write a little play about Dr. Faust, trying to do a deal with the devil? I think so…

Robert L. Hall is a resident of Marion and has a Bachelor’s Degree in music from the University of Memphis and a Master’s Degree from Florida State University. He is the pianist for Avondale Baptist Church.

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