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Old courthouse plaza renovations begin

Clock tower, Veteran’s memorial, vender stalls among possible plans

Clock tower, Veteran’s memorial, vender stalls among possible plans


Clock tower, Veteran’s memorial, vender stalls among possible plans


Anyone passing by the Old Courthouse Square in West Memphis may notice some big changes underway. Renovations have begun on the square, bringing a fresh new look while preserving its historic signi_cance. One of the more visible updates includes the removal of certain trees, but they won’t be gone for good as new ones will be planted as part of the redesign. The Veteran’s Memorial is also being temporarily removed but will be put back in place once construction is completed.

Raymond Whiteside, Director of Main Street West Memphis, explained that the vision for the square is to turn it into more of a community gathering space. Early concepts for the new design will feature six walkways leading to a central path, almost like bicycle spokes, making the area more accessible and inviting. In addition to the improved walkways, Mayor Marco McClendon is planning a unique addition;a large storage container placed upright and repurposed into a functioning clock, adding a distinctive touch to the square.

There are also plans for glass enclosed vendor spaces that will allow farmers’ markets and other small businesses to set up shop under a covered awning with room for three or four stalls.

While these upgrades are moving forward, the fate of the courthouse itself is still up in the air. Previous discussions about converting it into a museum have stalled due to budget concerns. Initially expected to cost around $2 million,, estimates have now climbed closer to $5 million, with extensive foundation, electrical, and plumbing work needed. “I thought it was dead, but it’s still not out of the question,” Whiteside said. There have also been talks about using the space for economic development, possibly turning it into a business incubator or retail space.

As for the Veteran’s Memorial, which currently honors World War I and World War II veterans, discussions are underway about expanding it to include West Memphis residents who lost their lives in later conicts like the Vietnam War and Iraq. Updating the memorial l would ensure that those who made the ultimate sacri_ce in more recent wars are also remembered.

The above rendering is an rough concept of what the courthouse plaza may soon look like with walking paths, a clock tower and vender stalls. City officials were adamant that the rendering is still in the very early stages of development and do not yet reflect permanent plans.

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