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A fond farewell




Evening Times Editor

Not long after I first became editor of the Evening Times back in 2014 — 11 years ago next Monday — I received an email from a lady named Pam Young. She had a series of columns she wanted to run all about getting your life together. It was aimed mostly at the ladies, but the advice was applicable to just about anyone.

As the price was right (free) and it seemed like content plenty of folks could use, I said sure. At first, it was called, “Make It Fun and It Will Get Done,” then “The House Fairy,” and for the past few yaars, it was called, “Club Organized,” and by then she had a web site and everything.

I always appreciated her writing, and I hope you have too, but I got another email recently that looked like it was from Pam, but sadly it was not…


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It read…

This is Eric, Pam’s 'bonus son', writing to let you know that on Saturday evening, Pam Young passed away. She was surrounded by family at the time and spent her final months at peace and cherishing her blessed life.

Over the last 10 years I have been able to help Pam with her online website and one of the things that repeatedly struck me is how much joy she got from you. All of her fans, her followers, her friends. She loved to write for you. She loved to help you.

She loved to bring joy to you. And that brought joy to her.

I cannot tell you how many times over the years I have seen emails from you all writing in to tell Pam how she changed your life. It warmed my heart every time I saw these to know how large an impact Pam had on so many people.

While Pam is not here anymore, you can share your stories with each other. If you want to say goodbye to Pam by sharing a story of your own, go to Pam’s Facebook


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page and post your thoughts for everyone including Pam's children who just lost an amazing mother.

Per Pam’s request, we will be shutting down the store for all new purchases at the end of the month. But we will be leaving the website up for 2 years to ensure that people who previously purchased products still have access.

As Pam’s alter ego, the House Fairy, would say, “Have Fun.

Be Good. Be Kind.'

Unfortunately, Pam is not the first longtime columnist that has passed away during my time as editor.

Longtime readers may remember Walter Williams and his “A Minority View” column we ran until about 7 or 8 years ago. Mr. White was a Black conservative columnist — a rarity even now and certainly one 15 years ago.

Then, of course, there was “Papa Duck” himself, Mr.

John Criner. Even though I know next to nothing about the outdoors, I always liked his hunting and fishing stories.

In any event, I’ll miss Pam’s columns. I’ve actually got three or four still in my inbox. I’ll probably still run them.

Maybe they will do somebody some good.

Until then…

Fly high, House Fairy!

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