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they’re a little verbose. I like to give people a spot to vent their frustrations and concerns and offer feedback]


Why dou you post texts like the one on Tuesday 3-4-25?

That peron is obviously mentally ill and needs help desperately. Trump in no choirboy but is what our country desperately needs right now. [ Editor’s Note: I gotta be honest here, the days kind of run together and the anti- Trump and pro- Trump texts come so often, I had to go back and look to even know which message you were talking about here. So, this is the one that was criti-cal of President Trump posting a photo of himself on social media wearing a crown with the caption reading “ Long Live the King.” He thten goes on to call Trump out for wanting to be a dictator and for idolizing Vladimir Putin. He ( or she, I guess) then calls the Arkansas congressional contingent out for not standing up to Trump.

There was a bunch of otehr stuff, but suffice it to say that it was basically a bunch of anti- Trump stuff, which, while a little overblown and longwinded, doesn’t even come close to the craziest stuff we’ve run in Text the Times.

As a general rule, as long as there isn’t anything overtly obscene or wildly inappropriate in the messages we get, I will usually run them as is, even if I don’t agree with what’s being said in them or if

*** I enjoyed your VIEWPOINT today in the paper. I like hearing about your kids and your grandson. It reminds me of when my young ones were actually young. [ Editor’s Note: Glad you enjoyed it. I often wonder if I’m just rattling on about my family sometimes, so I hope everyone likes it…]

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