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Raising ‘Kaine”


The February 24th, 2025 Harvard CAPS / Harris poll results were just released. It found—among other things—that “70% of voters say government expenditures are filled with waste, fraud, and inefficiency.”

And they want it ended.

Period. Full stop.

But not Democrat Senator Tim Kaine of Virginia.

No-sireee, boy! He can’t get enough of the grift and he’s ‘Raising Kaine’ about the Trump Administration’s attempt to quell it.

Why, you might ask? Well, get in line with that question—because CNN’s Jake Tapper recently asked him first. Quoting the result of a Quinnipiac Poll that found just 31% of Americans view the Democratic Party favorably, and with just 57% having an unfavorable view of the party, Tapper asked the Senator: “Why is your party so staggeringly unpopular with the public?'

Kaine’s answer?

“Jake, you know me. I’m a Virginian. I know one state well and not so well the other 49. In Virginia, we’ve gone from one of the most ruby red states in the country to now having put electoral votes behind Democrats five elections in a row. I just won my reelection by a sizable margin against Donald Trump‘s hand-picked Republican opponent. And I’ll tell you how we’ve done it. We focus on the economy. This is what we do in Virginia.”

“We focus on the economy?”


Democrats focus on the economy?

Where the hell has Tim Kaine been for the last

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Robert L.

Hall The Wordaholic

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four years, one wonders?

I think Forbes magazine might disagree with him as well, with this headline: “How The Economy Really Fared Under Biden/Harris And Trump,” Nov. 1, 2024 by Derek Saul. Per Forbes, “Inflation has been far worse during the Biden administration, up 20.1% over the first 45 months of Biden’s term compared to 7.1% during Trump’s first 45 months, according to the government’s consumer price index.”


Who’d a knowed it?

So, how about the New York Post? What did they say about the just-past Biden Democrat economy? Well, there’s this for instance: “Americans slashed spending on major life plans under Biden due to economy fears,” by James Franey, Feb. 25, 2025.

Funny…that headline doesn’t quite jive with the stated Democrat party line of Senator Tim Kaine either, does it?

Perhaps a professional economist with The Heritage Foundation might say something different? Let’s see… Here’s Distinguished Visiting Fellow, Stephen Moore, explaining the truth about Joe Biden’s economy on “Heritage Explains,” produced by Michelle Cordero and Tim Doescher—conducted when Biden was in still office and Democrats in charge: Moore: “Well, I think first of all, this really suggests that the people in the White House are just out of touch with what's going on in real America. We've always talked about Washington being a bubble, where politicians of both sides of the aisle are just not in touch with what's happening in main street America. And this is really a picture perfect example of that, where it's laughable and it's actually insulting for the Biden administration to tell people who are seeing their incomes being ravaged by the highest inflation rate in 40 years.”

The truth? Democrat party operatives, such as Tim Kaine, don’t give a damn about the economy or the pocketbook issues of the typical American family. Instead, the Biden Administration was all about liberal/ Marxists consolidating their own power and control over the workings of Washington, D.C. So, that leaves us with the question, “So, what else do Democrat operatives, like Virginia Democrat Senator Tim Kaine really care about?”

Glad you asked.

I have the receipts, in case you were wondering.

First, gratis The Virginia Mercury , which is a Left-center biased news source, funded by “The States Newsroom, which is a network of state government and policy news sites, and is supported by the Hopewell Fund, a 501 © public charity…editorially, The Virginia Mercury, leans left through the advocacy of policy that is associated with the Democrat Party.”

Most importantly, it is domiciled in the heart of Democrat Senator Tim Kaine’s district and reflects precisely his own political aspirations in Virginia.

Here’s the header: “Virginia moves to protect economy from federal workforce crisis.

Bipartisan panel to assess economic fallout and craft solutions amid funding freeze and job cuts,” by Markus Schmidt, February 5, 2025.

“With the federal government slashing its workforce and attempting to freeze billions in funding, Virginia lawmakers are bracing for impact. House Speaker Don Scott, DPortsmouth, on Tuesday evening announced the formation of an Emergency Committee on the Impacts of Federal Workforce and Funding Reductions, a bipartisan panel tasked with assessing the economic fallout and crafting solutions to protect the commonwealth.

“This is not about politics — it’s about protecting Virginia’s workforce, economy, and essential services,” Scott said in a statement. “With nearly 145,000 federal civilian employees and even more federal contractors calling Virginia home, we depend on a strong partnership with the federal government to provide critical services. The federal administration’s announced plans to ‘drain’ the federal workforce and the pause in federal funding raise serious concerns for Virginia’s economy and the ability to maintain essential services.”

In short—with Virginia Democrats (including Tim Kaine) it’s all about “Protecting Our Phoney-Baloney Jobs,” like the line went in the movie “Blazing Saddles,” when corrupt and evil political office-holders in that comedy started scrambling to cover their butts from being discovered and being ousted by public consensus.

These Virginia Democrat office- place keepers are in the same boat as those fictional crooks from the Mel Brooks comedy.

And they are panicking…and it shows.

More importantly, WE know what they are doing.

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Still not convinced? Okay, I have one more receipt. It shows exactly where his evil heart is…because it was dictated by Tim Kaine, personally, on his site!

Senator Kaine's Message to Federal Employees: Dear Federal Workers: As you are all too aware, we are in a dark time. The Trump Administration has made plain that it wants to kick you around—by blocking your ability to administer federal resources, censuring your free speech, locking you out of your workplaces, demonizing you in the press, and sending you ominous, and at times threatening, messages.

These actions are shameful and harmful not only to you, but to Americans across the country that you serve.

But especially in the darkest of times, we must stay focused on finding our guiding lights. I hope you will let the call to service that you answered when you first swore your oaths as federal employees serve as that light.

My advice to you today is simple, even if it’s not easy: Don’t give up. Keep serving everyday folks.

You are here because of your expertise. You are here because of your patriotism. You are here because you know the value in dedicating your life to serving your fellow Americans.

America needs you—that has never been clearer than in the wake of Trump’s federal funding freeze last week. I heard from folks in every corner of Virginia about the invaluable support they receive from federal workers like you.

Across the country, Americans are counting on you to deliver crucial services— from inspecting our food to make sure it’s safe, to protecting our national security. From administering Social Security benefits, to staffing air traffic control towers, to supporting our allies around the world and keeping the influence of China, Iran, and Russia at bay.

I know it has been—and will continue to be— tough. Donald Trump and his cronies are determined to do anything they can to knock you off course.

They’ve even dangled a phony buyout in your face. But make no mistake: that buyout is a trap. Donald Trump has no authority to offer you a resignation buyout. Don’t trust a guy with a long history of stiffing contractors by taking him up on a sham deal that he won’t follow through on.

You aren’t alone. I’m going to be here with you, every day, working alongside you in service.

I want to share with you some specific ways in which I want to be a resource to you. On my website,, I am collecting stories from federal workers about what you are experiencing.

Under no circumstances will I share publicly any information you send me without your consent. You can also choose to submit your stories anonymously if you prefer.

I will also be updating my webpage with information that may be helpful to you, including summaries of your rights, recourse you can seek if you believe you are being illegally terminated, and answers to other frequently asked questions my office is receiving.

Please know, that I’m going to do everything I can to stand up for you— just like you’re standing up for the American people. Thank you for your service.

Sincerely, Tim Kaine So, there you have it…in his own hand.

He’s promoting himself in this statement as a protectionist, defying any and all of President Trump’s attempts to ‘clean up’ the system or protect taxpayer dollars from being wasted—by shielding unproductive grifters and non-functioning “Deep State” operatives from exposure and termination.

All the while, screaming that Republicans (at least according to him) are ostensibly going to kill

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Medicare, Social Security, and Medicaid, throw Veterans out into the street and push Grandma over the cliff in her wheelchair! He says all that because he’s a fraud…always has been since he was Hillary Clinton’s running mate as Vice-President in their failed bid for power years ago.

Want to know the real deal about the House Bill under consideration right now?

Here it is—yet another receipt— straight from Commerce Secretary, Howard Lutnick: 'We do not need to cut a single dollar from someone from Social Security or someone from Medicaid… or someone who actually deserves the money—not a single dollar.

What we're going to attack is the waste, fraud, and abuse.'

Even if the GOP wanted to cut Social Security, it couldn't do so in a reconciliation bill because the ‘Byrd Rule’ forbids Social Security changes in reconciliation bills (that must be done in regular order).

Gee, nice to know!

And, now you know which side of the bread is buttered, ala: Tim Kaine.

You’re welcome!

Robert L. Hall is a resident of Marion and has a Bachelor’s Degree in music from the University of Memphis and a Master’s Degree from Florida State University. He is the pianist for Avondale Baptist Church.

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