our first convictedfelon
president, Donald Trump, posted an online picture of himself wearing a crown. It was self-captioned, 'Long Live The King'. To say I'm shocked by Trump's unparalleled
ego in doing this would be just one more public expression of my strong belief that this sorry excuse of a man is a complete idiot who idolizes Vladimir Putin and wants nothing more than to be a Putin-like dictator and to replace our democracy with a Facist monarchy. What's even more surprising and frightening is the fact that there has been not one peep from Arkansas' elected Republican senators, congressmen nor governor in opposition to Trump's monarchist statement. Where are you Tom Cotton, John Boozman, Rick Crawford, Sarah Huckabee Sanders and all other Trumpsupporting U.S. Congressmen? Let's include all Republican, Trump-supporting state senators and congressmen,
that you're all cowering in fear of Trump and would rather have a Facist, monarchy than to speak out against Trump and expose yourselves to The Chosen One's wrath — which you see as leading to a possible loss in your next election. It's my opinion that you're all a bunch of weak cowards. It's my belief, too, that your cowardice extends to include your silence after Trump's incredibly stupid, false statement accusing Ukraine's leader, Zelenskyy, of being a dictator and of starting the war in Ukraine.
This Trump/Musk coalition is the most dangerous administration
[ Editor’s Note: Look, I get that this is pretty shocking information, but do not expect much, if any, objection to what Trump & Co. are doing from any of the Arkansas GOP hierarchy. They all not only support 100% everything Trump is doing, they are in office because the folks who voted for him do too…]