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Friday’s Today in History? Was it Groundhog Day?


[ Editor’s Note: OK, so I was a little confused when I first read this, because February 2nd was Groundhog Day, and last Friday wes February 14th, aka Valentine’s Day. But then I got to looking and I figured it out… Friday’s Today in History was a rerun of Wednesday’s Today in History, and obviously those things didn’t happen twice. I don’t know if I just pulled the wrong file for Friday or if the file actually has the wrong stuff in it. For the record, those things you read about did happen on the 12th. As for the 14th, the most interesting thing that I saw was the 1929 St. Valentine’s Day Massacre, where Al Capone had seven rival gangsters executed in broad daylight in Chicago. As for what else happened on Feb. 14, I guess we’ll see next year…]

*** I realize Trump is deified in AR. I find it hard to believe we are willing to accept cutting funds from the programs we depend on. Medicaid, the ACA , education and housing are just some of the cuts. If we allow this to happen I anticipate they'll try to cut Medicare and Social Security.

See TEXT, page A9 TEXT

From page A2

Those tax breaks for the rich aren't going to pay for themselves. That's the responsibility of the taxpayers. Meaning, us. Can't have Trump going back on his promise. Who needs food stamps, anyway.

Or school lunches. Or headstart. Total waste of money.

Money that could instead subsidize an oil company. Who knows, maybe Elon has another project for the taxpayers to subsidize. Besides, we're getting old. Surely our tax dollars could be spent for something other than medical care. Like paying for Trump, and his security, to play a round of golf at Augusta National. That wouldn't be wasteful at all. We're all okay with that, right? I mean, it's not like our representatives are objecting to any of this.

I'm only assuming we still have representatives. Haven't heard much from them. Or did Arkansas elect them to represent Trump? I must've missed that on election day. Not that it matters. I don't expect them to listen to anything we have to say. I'm just a working taxpayer. I don't earn enough to have a voice. [ Editor’s Note: Fun fact… I had to read that three times to realize you were saying “ deified” and not “ defiled,” which changed the complexion of the whole message. Anyway, it seems that Trump and company are simply going to do whatever they want and deal with the pushback when, and if, it comes.

Clearly, already a lit of what he has tried to do has already been ruled unconstitutional and that will continue to happen… but not on everything.

Some of these moves will go through and then the American voters can decide if they have buyer’s remorse, especially when these cuts start effecting them personally]

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