On This Day in:
1630 – Quadequine introduced popcorn to English colonists at their first Thanksgiving dinner.
1784 – 'Empress of China', a U.S. merchant ship, left New York City for the Far East.
1804 – The first self-propelled locomotive on rails was demonstrated in Wales.
1819 – Spain ceded Florida to the United States.
1842 – John J. Greenough patented the sewing machine.
1848 – The Communist Manifesto was published by Karl Marx and Friedrich Engels.
1855 – The U.S. Congress voted to appropriate $200,000 for continuance of the work on the Washington Monument. The next morning the resolution was tabled and it would be 21 years before the Congress would vote on funds again. Work was continued by the Know-Nothing Party in charge of the project.
1858 – The first electric burglar alarm was installed in Boston, MA.
1859 – U.S. President Buchanan approved the Act of February 22, 1859, which incorporated the Washington National Monument.
1860 – Organized baseball’s first game was played in San Francisco, CA.
1865 – In the U.S., Tennessee adopted a new constitution that abolished slavery.
1866 – Lucy B. Hobbs became the first woman to graduate from a dental school. The school was the Ohio College of Dental Surgery in Cincinnati.
1874 – The Oakland Daily Tribune began publication.
1878 – The first telephone directories issued in the U.S. were distributed to residents in New Haven, CT. It was a single page of only fifty names.
1879 – In Utica, NY, Frank W. Woolworth opened his first 5 and 10-cent store.
1885 – The Washington Monument was officially dedicated in Washington, DC. It opened to the public in 1889.
1892 – 'Lady Windermere's Fan', by Oscar Wilde, was first performed.
1920 – The first dog race track to use an imitation rabbit opened in Emeryville, CA.
1923 – The first successful chinchilla farm opened in Los Angeles, CA. It was the first farm of its kind in the U.S.
1924 – U.S. President Calvin Coolidge delivered the first presidential radio broadcast from the White House.
1925 – The first issue of 'The New Yorker' was published.
1932 – William N. Goodwin patented the camera exposure meter.
1947 – Edwin Land demonstrated the Polaroid Land Camera to the Optical Society of America in New York City. It was the first camera to take, develop and print a picture on photo paper all in about 60 seconds. The photos were black and white.
1950 – The first International Pancake Race was held in Liberal, Kansas.
1954 – ABC radio’s popular 'Breakfast Club' program was simulcast on TV for the first time.
1969 – Barbara Jo Rubin became the first woman to win a U.S. thoroughbred
horse race.
1973 – The U.S. and Communist China agreed to establish liaison offices.
1984 – The U.S. Census Bureau statistics showed that the state of Alaska was the fastest growing state of the decade with an increase in population of 19.2 percent.
1994 – The U.S. Justice Department charged Aldrich Ames and his wife with selling national secrets to the Soviet Union. Ames was later convicted to life in prison.
“Behold, I have given you authority to tread on serpents and scorpions, and over all the power of the enemy, and nothing shall hurt you. Nevertheless, do not rejoice in this, that the spirits are subject to you, but rejoice that your names are written in heaven.”
— Luke 10:19-20 (ESV)