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I see that the infamous ….


I see that the infamous Toney Sanders has been arrested again for another petty crime. What does this make? 100?

200? How many times does someone have to run afoul of the law before it’s clear that they need to be locked up, either in prison or in a mental health facility. This is not a problem that will just fix itself!

[ Editor’s Note: I assume you are aware that I wrote a piece about Mr. Sanders and a couple of other career criminals a while back.. For the record, I went and checked and he has 82 cases logged into the AR Courts systen, but it only goes back 2017 when they started digitizing the caselongs, so who knows, really? But you’re right. Just putting him in prison and letting him right back out is not the sollution. I say this because a few years ago, I watched another familiar face come and go from the Critten-den County Jail roster for years for increasingly more serious crimes. And one day, he went missing. And a short time later, they found him… dead in a field in southwest Crittenden County shot and set on fire ( hopefully in that order). If Mr. Sanders runs into the wrong person, he could be in real danger]

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