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long time, I know how these things work. One or more people see a need, often selfserving, and contact a legislator friend who drafts a bill and then proposes it to the legislative body. Unless the body encounters a lot of opposition, its members will pass the proposal into law. You would be amazed at how many of our laws are ap-proved in this manner.

To be sure, the United States of America has the best system of government in the world, and while it is not perfect, we are so blessed to have the freedoms that we have.

But we must be careful to elect people to represent us who have a Christian value system of truth, honesty and decency. Hope-fully, I have given you something to think about. In my humble opinion, which is shared by millions of Americans, our nation needs to return to God and the truths contained in His word. I am happy to re-port that we are making progress, as our “Keep Your Fork” book is being placed in the hands of leaders who can make a difference.

To God be the Glory.

Jim Davidson is an author, syndicated columnist, and Founder of the Bookcase for Every Child project. For a personalized copy of “ Keep Your Fork” send $ 25 ( includes P& H & TAX) to Jim Davidson, 2 Bentley Dr. Conway, AR 72034)

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