WMFD holds promotion ceremony
15 of ‘West Memphis’ Bravest’ receive recognition
The West Memphis Fire Department proudly hosted its Promotional Ceremony today, honoring the dedication, leadership, and exceptional service of its _re_ghters and paramedics. The event celebrated the well-deserved promotions of several individuals who have demonstrated unwavering commitment to protecting and serving the West Memphis community.
Fire Chief Barry Ealy addressed the audience, commending the hard work and determination of the newly promoted personnel. “It’s always a great day for promoting _re_ghters who have made it to the next level in their career,” said Chief Ealy. “All their hard work and studying have paid off. Getting promoted is no easy task. Candidates get a list of material that will be covered on the promotional exam. They invest countless hours going over the ideas and concepts contained in all the material in order to put themselves in the best position to compete. As their _re chief, I am very proud of all of them.”
During the ceremony, _re_ghters and paramedics from various ranks were recognized for their promotions. Joshua Bell and Stoney Burns were promoted to the rank of Captain, while Jaquarius McLaurin, Brandon Bigness, Harvey Flowers, Justin Woolsey, Kameron Tines, and Ernest Seard achieved the rank of Lieutenant. Marcus Vowell and Christopher Bebout were promoted to Lieutenant Paramedic, and Kentrell Curry and Mark Maxwell earned the rank of Fire_ghter Paramedic. Additionally, Gentry Yates, Bailey Fisher, and Kentrell Curry were promoted to the esteemed position of Paramedic Captain.
Several members of West Memphis Bravest received well-deserved and hard-earned promotions last week.
Photo by WMFD