Thanks to President Trump grocery ….
Thanks to President Trump grocery prices, especially eggs, will be coming down soon. It is reported that one of his Executive Orders is to order all chickens, both hens and roosters to “lay baby lay”. [Editor’s Note: While I appreciate the attempt at humor, you clearly haven’t been paying attention to the Trump agenda, otherwise you’d be well aware that laying eggs is “hen’s work” and the roosters are too busy for those kinds of things, and they de_nitely don’t want any roosters identifying as hens and trying to sneak into the “hen’s restroom” or anything. But on a more serious note, it is absolutely ridiculous how expensive eggs have gotten… and here we are just a couple of months away from Easter! And you just know RFK Jr. is going to have Trump ban all the dyes so we won’t even be able to have colored eggs…] In regard to immigration, here is where I struggle, if a person has crossed into the United States illegally why are there politicians/people who actively accept it but seemingly encourage it as well? If you have a nicer home or car than I do, in their eyes it seems I should be able to take it w/o any repercussions, in fact pay my utilities or give me gas money. No sensible person would want to deny someone an opportunity at a better standard of living but the United States has immigration laws, as a country we cannot choose what laws can or cannot be broken. Why is this matter so muddy? As a society if you break a law, you are supposed to be held accountable, if it’s illegal crossing of our borders than you must return to your country of origin. [Editor’s Note: While I de_nitely agree with the idea behind this message, it’s not as easy as one might think to “simply” come into the U.S. legally. You don’t just go up to the border and knock politely and say, “Yes, my family and I are interested in joining your country.” And for many, they are escaping war, poverty, violence, oppression, etc. and are having to do so covertly, hence all the secrecy. Now, are there violent and dangerous people sneaking across our borders? Absolutely, but I’m pretty sure it’s not like 90 percent murderers, rapists and criminals (or pet-eating monsters), like some folks would have you believe. There seems like there should be a middle ground somewhere between turning a blind eye and raiding schools and churches looking for deportees, but we don’t really do middle ground around these parts anymore, do we?] January 9 through January 14, Crittenden County experienced winter weather conditions causing warming shelters to be opened. Initial operations began at The Crossing Church in Marion, Arkansas and the operation moved to the Roberta Jackson Neighborhood Center in West Memphis. I want to publicly recognize some key partners that made this operation a success (these are in no particular order): City of West Memphis, West Memphis Mayor Marco McClendon, Purchasing Director Kenneth Johnson, Community Outreach Director Theresa Bowe, Main Street West Memphis Director Raymond Whiteside, Tourism Director Jim Jackson, Assistant Chief of Police Jimbo Presley, City Councilor Willis Mondy, Crittenden County Government, Crittenden County Of_ce of Emergency Management Director Bud Spears, City of Marion Government, Mayor Tracy Brick, Marion School District, Assistant Superintendent Dr. Mike Skelton, Called 2 Grow led by Brad and Jennifer Johnson, Families in Transition led by Cassie Rutledge, The Crossing Church in Marion, Pizza Pro led by Joe Baker, Chick-Fil-A in West Memphis, Crittenden EMS Led by Hudson Hallum, The Tennessee Region of the American Red Cross, and numerous volunteers who assisted at the shelters. Thank you to every one of you who made it your mission to make sure our vulnerable population was cared for during this time of inclement weather. People were able to eat, stay warm, use restroom facilities, and relax knowing they were not going to freeze to death on the street. If you know someone who volunteered at the shelter, please forward this email to them, and share our appreciation. – DeWayne Rose, West Memphis OEM [Editor’s Note: Kudos to all of these folks and to anyone who helped someone get through the arctic blast. Let’s hope we don’t get that again before spring!]