‘Daddy’s home!’
A couple years ago, my wife and I were in a fine hotel having our anniversary dinner. The picture window to the side of the table was wide and showed a complete vista of the Alaskan wild beyond. We were on a hill, looking down into a valley below and on the horizon – partially hidden by clouds – was the base of a mountain that is in the history books: The highest mountain peak in North America: at that time called Mt. Denali – changed from the original name, Mount McKinley, by Obama in 2015.
Now, daddy’s back! Trump is back! So, Denali will become Mount McKinley once more – renamed by his executive action.
By the way, the Gulf of Mexico will become the Gulf of America.
Greenland has been contacted about incorporation into our country’s fold.
Canada has received notification that no silliness will be tolerated.
And ‘Remain in Mexico’ will be the law of the land, birthright citizenship (which was originally meant to incorporate the children of slaves at the time of the Civil War aftermath) is to be terminated as it has become a detriment to our national interests as illegals drop babies here to “anchor” themselves in this country in order to become perpetual welfare recipients. As well, President Trump is overturning of the totally illegal DACA program that was proposed by Democrats but adjudged completely un-constitutional by the Supreme Court and never really a law in the first place.
Or just like the so-called ‘28th Amendment’ a socalled Equal Rights Amendment for the mythical 128 sexual genders that Biden just days ago declared was law – just because he said so with an executive action – like some kind of medieval king or something: just wave your hand and pronounce a dictate to the peasantry. (Not like the REAL WORLD where every other amendment to the constitution in America has been…you know, with two-thirds assent by the House and Senate and the President DOES NOT have a constitutional role in the amendment process AT ALL, as the joint resolution does not go to the White House for signature or approval.)
Except in Joe Biden’s mind.
You know, like Biden’s cure for cancer that he said he had in store for us all – which also ‘never was a thing.’
Yeah. Didn’t see that one coming either, did we? Promises made but not kept.
Only, today – Monday 1-20-2025 – all that comes to an end.
Today, things will be set right. America will be put back on course as the leader of the free world and politics as usual comes to an end.
The people have spoken, and at least in the moment, it appears the leaders – including the former 45th President and now the new 47th President of the United States: Donald J. Trump, received the message.
And that message? America First.
And a restoration of the vision of our Founding Fathers.
Which why everyone you meet is breathing a sigh of relieve at the prospect of a return to our national values and traditions … and most importantly, faith in the process.
In case you didn’t get the memo: Woke is Broke, and out the door.
And as my old grandmother would say: “Good riddance to bad rubbish.”
Rubbish like the website: Wikipedia – for instance.
What used to be a site for information became a storehouse of disinformation and left-leaning Marxist ideology. For instance, here is ‘Wikipedia’s’ definition of the phrase, “America First:” “America First refers to a populist political theory in the United States that emphasizes the fundamental notion of “putting America first”, which generally involves disregarding global affairs and focusing solely on domestic policy in the United States.”
What a snot-rag of disinformation! Like we cannot consider ourselves a-n-d global affairs at the same time? That’s like saying we cannot walk and chew gum at the same time. How stupid!
Which is why I don’t use Wikipedia much, other than to find secondary sources it might name, or use Google – for the same reason – as a search engine. There is literally no way to attain information purity by using them as they are tainted.
One thinks, how did the media become a doormat for Communist talking-points in the first place? Well, that is what happens when you bow to corporate big-money interests that get in bed with oligarchs who mix in with government and international globalists. That’s how it happens.
That’s how George Soros was awarded the highest civilian award of this country: the Presidential Medal of Freedom, by Joe Biden.
It was one of Biden’s final ultimate insults toward the American people on his way out.
A sign of utter contempt, a poke in the eye and slap in the face to all honest, hard-working, decent people.
Oh, and did I mention that he pardoned Frank, Sara, Valerie and James Biden at the last minute as well? That’s in addition to his son, Hunter Biden earlier. So much for the Biden crime family! Off the hook … clean slate for all of them as well!
But now, daddy’s home. And with that, a return to normalcy, to decency.
“An end to the last four years of darkness,” as Franklin Graham just said on my television, as I watch the inaugural address as Trump takes the oath of office once again.
“We pray for President Trump,” and “Give him wisdom from your throne,” said Graham as he continued.
No more “Keep off the grass” mentality of a dementia- ridden old crank.
How different the scene is now.
The way is cleared, and as Donald J. Trump is swearing to “faithfully execute the laws of our land,” his struggles as well as our own feel vindicated at last.
And in his opening words, this: “The Golden Age of America begins right now!”
Also, “Our aim is to create an America that is proud, prosperous and free!”
Hail to the Chief! Daddy’s home!
Robert L. Hall is a resident of Marion and has a Bachelor’s Degree in music from the University of Memphis and a Master’s Degree from Florida State University. He is the pianist for Avondale Baptist Church.
Robert L. Hall
The Wordaholic