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North America’s only diamond mine


We have a unique one-of-a-kind destination here in our state of Arkansas called the Crater of Diamonds State Park. It is the only place in the world where you can go and search for diamonds, and when you find a big one, you get to keep it.

This state park near Murfreesboro is public, as anyone can pay the $15 entry fee and search to their heart’s content. A lot of people find diamonds — 700 to 800 diamonds are found each year by the 150,000 to 170,000 people who visit the park.

First, just a word about what creates a diamond mine. Certainly, I am not an expert on this subject, but here is some logical information that I will share. First, we know that diamonds are created by pressure. The diamond mine in South Arkansas was created the same way the mines in Africa, where most of the diamonds in the world are found, were created.

These mines were created billions of years ago by a volcanic eruption and this created a “pipe” as it spewed the lava out of the volcano. After the eruption was over, some of the soil and other debris went back down the pipe, but there were enormous amounts of soil left on the top side.

This left the soil on top of the ground that contained diamonds. The field near Murfreesboro had a total area of a little more than 80 acres, but only 37.5 acres are diamond bearing. The land where the diamond mine is located was originally owned by a pig farmer whose name was John Huddleston, and he actually found diamonds and got them verified. According to

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authorities with the park, this created a diamond boom, much like a gold rush.

In 1972, the state of Arkansas bought the land from a company that tried to mine it commercially but did not make a go of it, and this is when they created a state park with an appropriate name, the Crater of Diamonds State Park.

Since this attraction is so rare and unique, the state had no problem marketing it worldwide. Each year, from 150,000 to 170,000 people visit the park, and over the years they have found a total that is now more than 35,000 diamonds. And they have a lock on the market, as previously noted, as it’s the only mine in the world where you can keep the diamond if you find one.

It should also be noted that the Uncle Sam diamond is the largest found in North America and it was more than 40 carats. The location of this fantastic diamond is marked in the park by a memorial shovel. If you would like something different and interesting to do, why not travel to Murfreesboro and try your luck at diamond hunting. Find a big one and you can keep it.

They plow the land, and a good rain helps.

After reading all about the exciting things taking place at the Crater of Diamonds State Park, I guess my only claim to fame is that one year I was the speaker for the annual Murfreesboro Chamber of Commerce Banquet. Thanks to Paul Noesser for sharing this information with me.

Jim Davidson is an author, public speaker, syndicated columnist, and Founder of the Bookcase for Every Child project. Jim’s column has been syndicated in 35 states.

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