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we, the viewers get it. I mean, I’m not going to avoid leaving the house on Friday the 13th or turn around and go home if a black cat crosses my path, but we all have a little bit of superstitious behavior built into us.

As someone who will most definitely put on my “rally cap” if my team is behind or needs a big play, I’m absolutely “a little stitious” on occasion. You might be too.

Maybe you’ve crossed your fingers or thrown spilled salt over your shoulder or avoided walking under a ladder… not because you definitely believe it would be bad luck or anything, right? It just makes sense not to walk under a ladder… you know, for safety reasons.

One silly thing I am guilty of in this vein is I will irrationally avoid stepping on any cracks in the sidewalk when I can. Yes, even at 51 years old, I have “step on a crack, break your mama’s back” ingrained into my very being. And look, I understand that it’s nonsense, but my Mom is 71 years old and she can’t take any major back injurues at this point, so why take a chance?

I bring all of this up because yesterday was New Year’s Day and I just know many of you made sure to eat your greens and black-eyed peas… because, well, you never know, do you?

Just a little stitious, right?

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