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On This Day in:

1703 – The Methuen Treaty was signed between Portugal and England, giving preference to the import of Portuguese wines into England.

1831 – Charles Darwin set out on a voyage to the Pacific aboard the HMS Beagle. Darwin’s discoveries during the voyage helped him form the basis of his theories on evolution.

1845 – Dr. Crawford Williamson Long used anesthesia for childbirth for the first time. The event was the delivery of his own child in Jefferson, GA.

1900 – Carrie Nation staged her first raid on a saloon at the Carey Hotel in Wichita, KS. She broke each and every one of the liquor bottles that could be seen.

1904 – James Barrie’s play “Peter Pan” premiered in London.

1927 – Leon Trotsky was expelled from the Communist Party.

1938 – The first skimobile course in America opened in North Conway, NH.

1945 – The World Bank was created with an agreement signed by 28 nations.

1947 – The children’s television program “Howdy Doody,” hosted by Bob Smith, made its debut on NBC.

1949 – Queen Juliana of the Netherlands granted sovereignty to Indonesia after more than 300 years of Dutch rule.

1951 – In Cincinnati, OH, a Crosley automobile, with a steering wheel on the right side, became the first vehicle of its kind to be placed in service for mail delivery.

1965 – The BP oil rig Sea Gem capsized in the North Sea, with the loss of 13 lives.

1965 – In Fort Lauderdale, FL, the intial part of the International Swimming Hall of Fame was dedicated.

1968 – “The Breakfast Club” signed off for the last time on ABC radio, after 35 years on the air.

1971 – Snoopy, Charlie Brown, Linus, Lucy and Woodstock of Charles Schulz’s “Peanuts” comic strip were on the cover of “Newsweek” magazine.

1978 – Spain adopted a new constitution and became a democracy after

40 years of dictatorship.

1979 – Soviet forces seized control of Afghanistan. Babrak Karmal succeeded President Hafizullah Amin, who was overthrown and executed.

1985 – Palestinian guerrillas opened fire inside the Rome and Vienna airports. A total of twenty people were killed, including five of the attackers, who were slain by police and security personnel.

1985 – Dian Fossey, an American naturalist, was found murdered at a research station in Rawanda.

1992 – The U.S. shot down an Iraqi fighter jet during what the Pentagon described as a confrontation between a pair of Iraqi warplanes and U.S.

F-16 jets in U.N.-restricted airspace over Iraq.

1996 – Muslim fundamentalist Taliban forces retook the strategic air base of Bagram, solidifying their buffer zone around Kabul, the Afghanistan capital.

1997 – In Northern Ireland, Billy Wright was assassinated. He was imprisoned as a Protestant paramilitary leader.

2000 – Mario Lemeiux (Pittsburgh Penguins) returned to the National Hockey League (NHL) as a player after over 3 years of retirement. He was the first owner-player in the modern era of pro sports. Lemieux had purchased the Pittsburgh Penguins during his retirement from playing.

2001 – U.S. President George W. Bush granted China permanent normal trade status with the United States.

“Besides this you know the time, that the hour has come for you to wake from sleep. For salvation is nearer to us now than when we first believed. The night is far gone; the day is at hand. So then let us cast off the works of darkness and put on the armor of light. Let us walk properly as in the daytime, not in orgies and drunkenness, not in sexual immorality and sensuality, not in quarreling and jealousy.”

Romans 13:11-13 (ESV)

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