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ARIES (March 21-April 19):

Embrace this time of renewal. Don’t make promises you cannot keep. Stick close to home, and avoid temptations. Personal gains will be reliant on your physical health. A kind word or offer will encourage others to pass along a little positivity as well. Try not to head down a path that isn’t in your best interest. Be strong, and do what’s best for you. What you have to offer someone who is much older or younger than you will lead to insight into what you should take on or learn next.

TAURUS (April 20-May 20):

Question sensitive situations. Avoid anyone who meddles or creates uncertainty and chaos. Protect your reputation, health and passwords. Keep your life simple, and don’t spend money you don’t have. If you want to make a contribution, offer time, service or expertise, not cash. Say what’s on your mind, and insight into new possibilities will come your way. Send an email to a past associate, and a lead regarding a position will spark your interest. If you are too quick to take action, you will make a regrettable mistake. An emotional incident will leave you in an awkward position. Celebrate new opportunities.

GEMINI (May 21-June 20): Be willing to change. Refuse to let anyone take advantage of your generosity. Show discipline when it comes to your health and well-being. Take matters into your own hands. Be responsible for what unfolds, and you will eliminate being caught off guard by someone who wants to do things differently. Do for yourself, and you won’t be disappointed. Whether you watch documentaries or sign up for online seminars, valuable information will come your way. Share your feelings with someone you love. A makeover will lift your spirits as well as your confidence.

CANCER (June 21-July 22): The time and effort you put into your home and relationships with loved ones will pay off. Express your feelings and intentions. Be suspicious of people who want to help you spend your money or someone who is indulgent or emotionally unstable. Who you associate with will set the mood for the way you spend time. A creative project will encourage you to use your skills uniquely. An injury or illness will develop on the 5th and 6th if you take on too much or take a risk that puts you in danger. Don’t jeopardize your well-being. Find reasons to celebrate.

LEO (July 23-Aug. 22): Mend broken relationships. Pick up the pace and get things done. You will reach personal goals if you use your imagination and do things differently. Romance is favored. Express yourself through your actions. Doing something beautiful for someone you love will have a more significant impact on your relationship than complaining or overreacting. Start a new project that will make you a better person. Whether it’s learning something new or perfecting something you enjoy, the challenge will be rewarding. Distance yourself from anyone who pressures you to do something you shouldn’t.

VIRGO (Aug. 23-Sept. 22): Time to pivot. Look at every angle of a situation, and you’ll figure out a way to overcome a problem you encounter. Don’t let anyone take credit for your ideas or accomplishments. Make a positive change regarding associates, friends or lover. Say what’s on your mind and you’ll find out exactly where you stand. Knowing and understanding a situation or a person better will give insight into how best to react. An emotional challenge will resolve if you are prepared to do what’s best for you. Leave the past behind you.

LIBRA (Sept. 23-Oct. 22): A simple, moderate lifestyle will pay off if you keep your distance from anyone who isn’t playing by the rules or who may have ulterior motives. Be open to suggestions and ready to add your thoughts and opinions. Once you know everyone is on the same page, it will be easier to get things done. Something you enjoy doing can turn into a lucrative benefit. Studying, researching and making a discovery will encourage you to take on tasks that you have avoided in the past. Personal or physical improvements will pump up your confidence.

SCORPIO (Oct. 23-Nov. 21): Fix up your surroundings or clear a space that will allow you to pursue a personal goal. Joint ventures aren’t a good idea. Take one step at a time, pace your progress and set your budget to fit your needs and ability. The experience you have will guide you to better decisions. An open mind will lead to knowledge, insight and ethical decisions. Look at every aspect of a situation before offering sound advice to those who depend on you for assistance. Handle financial, health and legal matters and don’t let your emotions interfere.

SAGITTARIUS (Nov. 22-Dec. 21): Refuse to let an emotional incident interfere with your progress. Pay attention to those closest to you and refuse to let an outsider disrupt an essential relationship or meddle in your personal affairs. Spend your money with caution. Don’t feel the necessity to pay for someone’s mistake. Keep your finances and emotions separate; practice moderation. Speak up, say what’s on your mind and be honest about the way you feel. If you lead someone on or offer false information, you will end up making matters worse. Don’t prolong the inevitable and put your plans in motion.

CAPRICORN (Dec. 22-Jan. 19):

Put your money where it counts the most – invest in yourself, your image and what you want to pursue. A unique approach to an old idea will pay off. Insight into how someone feels about you and the things you do will surface. Adjustments made will improve a meaningful relationship. A change at home will give you something to look forward to and encourage you to share a talent you want to develop. You’ll feel good about a personal or physical improvement you make. Enhancing your environment or updating your image is favored.

AQUARIUS (Jan. 20-Feb. 18):

Contain your frustration and anger, and you will avoid a blowout with someone you love. Choose peace over discord. Pay attention to pending settlements or investments that have yet to close, and you will be able to counter a mistake that could be costly. Stick to a budget, and proceed with caution. Emotions will be difficult to control, so before you address an issue that arises, verify the facts. Take time to make positive changes at home that will make your life less stressful and your work easier. Show someone how much you care by offering a kind gesture.

PISCES (Feb. 19-March 20):

Don’t trust secondhand information. If you want to make a change, look over all the possibilities and choose a realistic route. Pay more attention to whatever job or responsibility you pursue. The detail you include will inspire you as well as those you live with to go the extra mile. Someone will reciprocate a kind gesture you make. Uncertainty will prompt you to make a change. Before you make a decision and proceed, do the necessary preparation. A legal or financial problem will arise if you don’t verify the information you’ve received. Don’t take anything for granted.

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