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WM School District launches Blue Devils Alumni Association

Former WMHS students organize to support school district, foster community spirit

Former WMHS students organize to support school district, foster community spirit


Former WMHS students organize to support school district, foster community spirit


The West Memphis School District has formed its _rst-ever sanctioned alumni association after several weeks of an initial organizational effort led by Lorenzo Parker, WMSD Student Engagement Manager.

“Our efforts to form an alumni association are in full swing,” Parker said back in August. “Due to policies and procedures that are in place, we are required to form an alumni association that is its own entity outside of a school district department and not governed by all the rigors that come

See ALUMNI, page A3


From page A1

attached to the Department of Education and state school district policies.”

Parker described the alumni association as similar to an organizations such as a PTO. Parker then invited members of the community who are graduates of West Memphis High School (now the Academies of West Memphis, as of 2015), to join the association’s Alumni Association Committee, making the initial invitation via the school district’s social media outlets.

“Let’s get together and make this association something great,” he said. “We can make that happen together. This is something a lot of us have been waiting for.”

While Parker said he knew that there would be widespread interest from West Memphis High School graduates across generations, he did want to make an effort to keep the leadership committee’s size to a manageable level and with a rotation of fresh faces and ideas.

“To accomplish the mission of the association, we will limit the committee to 12 members and each member will serve a 2-year term, with the option of returning for a third year,” he said. “This will keep a continuous flow of new members while giving the committee some consistency as well.”

Parker said the only requirement is that members be a graduate of West Memphis High School.

“Out-of-town alumni are encouraged to respond simply because technology now can allow us to meet from any distance,” said Parker.

It was a first-come, first-accepted approach to creating the first 12-member committee, with Parker saying he would accept the first dozen responses to his announcement via email. “The meetings will be an opportunity not only to conduct alumni business but a rare opportunity to reminisce on the past times,” Parker said. “We will find out more about what is going on at WMSD and share with other members of the association through the planned alumni e-newsletter and directory.”

For funding the association and its work, Parker said he plans to institute a dues process and there will likely be other fundraising efforts, something he said is “slated to happen once we have formed the committee – establishing banking info and an online platform – which will be done at the initial meeting.”

“Being a part of this association will provide you with a chance to catch up with classmates and teachers and share memories while enjoying informative information about plans for WMSD and how you can contribute and play a role.”

Last week, Parker unveiled the first 12 members of the Alumni Association Committee via the West Memphis School District’s Facebook page.

“The committee is full,” said the post. “Those individuals and their graduation year are listed. Thanks to all alumni who responded to the request to become a member of the inaugural alumni committee. Mr. Parker will be reaching out to the committee members to provide further information. Let’s go Alumni!”

The Alumni Association Committee members are a cross section of WMHS graduates from across the decades. They are:

■ ■ Jailon Grant, Class of 2016

■ ■ Frank Dorsey, Class of 2009

■ ■ Jennifer Clement, Class of 2008

■ ■ Porsche Jordan, Class of 2008

■ ■ Khi Bass, Class of 2007

■ ■ Ebony Stinnett, Class of 2001

■ ■ Misty Nichols, Class of 1999

■ ■ Jody Walls, Class of 1997

■ ■ Phaedra Turner, Class of 1995

■ ■ Floyd Hall, Class of 1992

■ ■ Loretta Nash, Class of 1988

■ ■ Anthony Davis, Class of 1985

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