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Local Miracle: Le Bonheur child from Earle

Karson Davis overcomes early health struggles with help of innovative program

Karson Davis overcomes early health struggles with help of innovative program


Karson Davis overcomes early health struggles with help of innovative program


Karson Davis, the son of Amorya Davis and grandson of Margaret Davis, Co-Pastor of First Baptist Church of Earle, has faced numerous health challenges since his birth in October 2021 at just 24 weeks gestation. Weighing only one pound at birth, Karson spent several months in Le Bonheur’s Neonatal Intensive Care Unit, where he required intubation, oxygen support, and multiple medical interventions.

Despite his rocky start, Karson was able to go home in February, only to return to Le Bonheur in June 2022 after being diagnosed with stage four subglottic stenosis, a condition that narrowed his airway and required him to be swaddled 24 hours a day with a trach tube.

Thankfully, Karson’s outlook changed dramatically when he became a part of the CHEER Program, an innovative initiative that aims to help patients like Karson recover more effectively. Partially funded by generous donors, CHEER stands for Collaborating to help Everyone Effectively Recover and involves nurses and therapists working closely with families to mobilize patients and build trust in the medical staff.

Thanks to CHEER, Karson was able to thrive and make remarkable progress in his recovery journey. Now, at 3 years old, Karson is on the path to having his trach tube removed and will undergo reconstruction surgery in November. He is excelling in school and continues to visit Le Bonheur for therapies and check-ups regularly.

Karson’s mother, Amorya, credits the CHEER Program for her son’s incredible progress and is grateful for the support he has received. Karson’s journey is a true testament to the power of innovative programs and dedicated medical professionals in helping children overcome signi_cant health challenges.

After a difficult start, little three-year-old Karson is doing well and expected to have his breathing tube removed soon.

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