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Ferguson: “Help keep Arkansas beautiful”


Great Arkansas Cleanup set for October 1st across the Natural State

By Ralph Hardin

There are plenty of reasons to maintain your home and your yard. Property values are higher in well-kempt communities, crime is statistically lower and, well, it just looks better.

But it’s more than just about aesthetics, as State Rep. Deborah Ferguson (D-West Memphis) explained in her weekly legislative update from Little Rock.

“Our neighborhoods are more than just places where we live,” said Ferguson. “They are the very essence of our communities, reflecting our values, aspirations, and pride.”

Arkansas is known as the Natural State for a reason.

“We pride ourselves on the beauty of our lakes, rivers, woods, and trails,” Ferguson said. “We should also take that same pride in our sidewalks, parking lots, and city streets. That’s why we are encouraging Arkansans to sign up for the Great Arkansas Cleanup.”

This year, the Great Arkansas Cleanup will take place until Oct. 31.

“In 2023, the hard work and dedication of Arkansans paid off, with nearly 150,000 hours spent participating in cleanup activities,” said Ferguson.

“Volunteers removed a staggering 514 tons of bulky waste from 2,132 miles of roadways and 772,051 acres of parks and public areas in all 75 counties.”

It’s not just about homes and yards though.

“Not only did volunteers clean up alongside waterways and shorelines, but they also collected 6,227 tires, 2,418 tons of recyclables and planted over 1,878 trees, shrubs, and flowers,” said Ferguson.” Additionally, 182 litter grabber kits were distributed to individuals who wanted to clean their communities but were unable to join larger cleanups.”

The impact of the Great Arkansas Cleanup goes far beyond just picking up litter.

In 2023, the total economic value returned back to communities in Arkansas was nearly $5.4 million. This shows that investing in keeping our state clean pays off in more ways than one.

“Additionally, there were nearly 23,000 volunteers, representing a 63 percent increase over the last 5 years,” said Ferguson. “This demonstrates the growing commitment of Arkansans and the power of community coming together to keep Arkansas beautiful. By taking part in this statewide community improvement campaign, you can make a difference in your community and help keep Arkansas beautiful for generations to come.”

You can find information on how to organize a cleanup event in your community and register your event to receive free bags, gloves, and t-shirts (while supplies last) at

“Together, we can continue to make our state a cleaner, greener, and more vibrant place to live,” said Ferguson. “Let’s work together to make Arkansas even more beautiful!”


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