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What a drag…




Evening Times Editor

You never know what you’re gonnna get when you start scrolling through the local Facebook community groups. It’s mostly stuff about yard sales or upcoming events and the occasional gripe session about, well, whatever there is to gripe about that particular week.

Case in point, a few days ago, I saw a post advertising, of all things, a “drag brunch” in Marion. Now, I’ll have to admit, I had no idea what a “drag brunch” was, but judging by the colorful characters on the flyer, I had a pretty good guess.

I read the flyer and it appears it was set to be like a “dinner and a show” kind of deal with all of the performers being men dressed up as women, like in “drag queen” tradition. It was described on the flyer as follows: “18+ event, doors open at 10:30, delicious brunch served, Sunday, Sept. 22, 11 a.m.” It


From page A4

was going to be held at the new Loco’s Cafe in Marion, which, in case you don’t know, is where Veano’s used to be there on Highway 77/ You’ll notice I keep using the word “was” to describe this event. Well, that’s because just a few days after it was announced, the brunch was abruptly canceled.

I can not say I was surprised. I was, in fact, a little surprised this “drag brunch” was announced at all… on a Sunday morning… in Marion… Marion, Arkansas. I mean, like, was there someone who really thought that was a good idea?

I mean, I don’t claim to have my finger on the pulse of local society the way some do but I do know there can’t have been much demand for such a show. I mean, it sounds like a lot of fun, and I’m sure it would be, but this isn’t really what I would call “drag brunch” territory. First off, you’ll note it’s an “18+” show. Do you know why? Because it is (I kid you not) actually now illegal to perform in drag in front of anyone under the age of 18 in Arkansas. Yes, someone not only decided we needed that to be a law, the state legislature actually overwhelmingly voted to pass it and the governor signed it. I sure can sleep better at night knowing my kids are safe from drag queen performances…

Also, having said show when most of the county’s 200 churches are is session is either a bold move, a stupid move or a calculated move.

Either way, it was only going to get people riled up.

I personally couldn’t care less if someone wants to have a drag brunch, an all-nude magic show or a pineapple pizza party for vegan Libertarians. You do you, man… even if that man is wearing a dress.

But I there was a zero-pointzero percent chanc that there would be online wailing and gnashing of theeth in the community social media scene about it. And let me tell you, you guys never, ever disappoint.

So, congrats, I guess. Those danged ol’ drag queens won’t be coming to our town after all. I guess we can all sleep well again tonight…

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