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Celebrating two years of PACT Act


O ur nation made a promise to the men and women who served in uniform that we would take care of them. This month marks the two-year anniversary of a major step forward in that mission with the signing of the Sergeant First Class Heath Robinson Honoring Our Promise to Address Comprehensive Toxics (PACT) Act, landmark legislation that delivers all toxic-exposed veterans their earned Department of Veterans Affairs (VA) health care and benefits.

Expanding eligibility for veterans living with toxic exposure illnesses due to their military service was long overdue. As a member of the House and Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committees, I’ve heard a lot about the health challenges these veterans face. The VA has a responsibility to ensure veterans have access to its resources. Fortunately, we are seeing evidence that the PACT Act is making a difference.

Nationwide, more than one million PACT Act-related claims have been approved. In Arkansas, more than 13,000 veterans are receiving service-connected benefits as a result of the law.

Marine Corps veteran Bill Rhodes of Mena is one of them.

Rhodes served in Thailand during the Vietnam War. After developing illnesses linked to herbicide exposure, the former U.S. Marine turned to the VA for medical help. His claim was initially denied because the department’s policy at the time limited benefits for toxic-exposed Vietnam War-era Thailand veterans. After researching the issue, he understood a legislative fix was needed, and I was proud to help.

We crafted a provision to eliminate the unreasonable burden placed on veterans like Mr. Rhodes to prove toxic exposure. The measure was ultimately included in the PACT Act, expanding benefits to Vietnam War-era veterans exposed to Agent Orange during their service in Thailand.

Arkansans can be proud of Rhodes’ leadership to find a solution that improves the wellbeing of his fellow veterans and represents an important contribution to an already sweeping reform. Thanks to his commitment, those he served with in Thailand can receive the benefits they rightfully earned.

I was pleased to champion passage of the PACT Act on behalf of toxic- exposed veterans and supporters to secure their access to VA healthcare and benefits. This was a bipartisan success story and it’s given hope to veterans and their families who have been struggling with their health care. In addition to expanding benefits eligibility, the law has helped spur more than 5,000 Natural State veterans to sign up for VA health care since its enactment.

When we wrote the legislation, Congress anticipated an increase in the workload at the VA so we also included measures to bolster VA’s workforce, especially in rural areas.

I am continuing to work with my colleagues on the Senate Veterans’ Affairs Committee to ensure the VA is implementing the law, as intended, with the requisite resources. Enhancing the recruitment and retention of key VA personnel to ensure we can attract the best professionals to care for veterans will also continue to be a priority of mine and my colleagues.

As a result of the PACT Act, the VA is serving more veterans than ever before and continues to provide more care and benefits to veterans exposed to toxins during their military service. Now we must ensure it is equipped to support these increased claims and carry out its mission. I’m proud to work in a bipartisan manner to make certain veterans and their families are provided the care and benefits our country owes them.

Sen. John Boozman

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