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Ozark Mission Project visits West Memphis

Teens, young adults dedicate part of summer break to service work

Teens, young adults dedicate part of summer break to service work


Teens, young adults dedicate part of summer break to service work


Ozark Mission Project (OMP), a nonpro_t ministry that brings youth groups to cities across the state each summer to serve individuals and families, spent the past week in the West Memphis community, working to help some folks in need with some much needed and much appreciated home repair projects.

OMP is a faith-centered mission effort wherein youth and adult volunteers complete a number of service projects. Minor home repair projects can range from yard work and house painting to more challenging tasks, such as construction of porches and wheelchair ramps.

To be considered for a project, each individual or family must _ll out a one-page application requesting services they need. Age, income, and religion are not requirements when applying for a service project. Because of donations, OMP is able to provide service projects at no cost to individuals and families in West Memphis this summer.

“OMP strives to be a helping hand to Arkansans who, for _nancial or physical reasons, cannot maintain their homes. We are expecting over 650 youth volunteers and staffers serving across the state this summer,” said Bailey Faulkner, executive director of Ozark Mission Project.

Locally, OMP were able to complete 19 projects in West Memphis over their week in the community.

Why do it? “I come to OMP because I love to form new relationships with people from all around the state who share a common love for mission work and helping people who need it the most, “ said Bella Curran a Community Builder from Bryant.

“OMP is the opportunity to demonstrate Christian Sacri_ce, to give up your time and energy to serve your neighbors and

See MISSION, page A2

The Ozark Mission Project had a team in West Memphis last week working on several minor home repairs and cleanups.

Photo courtesy of OMP MISSION

From page A1

community,” said John Sutton of Conway, one of the OMP adult Community Builder volunteers. “It is also the closest that I get to feel like Christ and I think a lot of kids would agree with that, to give your energy and give nothing in return, and to truly live like Christ for a week, and I think now more than ever, youth and adults need to be experiencing that.” Those who donate their time and energy into the Ozark Mission Project’s work see it as fulfilling a call to serve.

“OMP is always a deeply spiritual experience where we get to reach out to people and we get to connect to them and help them on more than a physical level. I get to have fun and connect with people from across the state, it’s one of the best parts of OMP, “ said Belle Russell, a Community Builder from Benton.

“The reason I do OMP is that I find it very important to serve people like Christ did,” added Ross Martin, a Community Builder from Little Rock.

And yes, it’s important to get the repairs done for folks in need but there’s a higher purpose to their work.

“While we do a lot of projects, what we’re really doing is building relationships with each other and those in the community,” said Faulkner.

About Ozark Mission Project

Ozark Mission Project began in 1986 with a vision to be a Christ-led mission opportunity, offering a diverse cultural experience that equips volunteers to make a global difference. The vision of Ozark Mission Project is to be the hands and feet of Christ to our state. This year, OMP is hosting 8 mission weeks over the summer across the state of Arkansas.

TOP LEFT: The Ozark Mission Project’s work isn’t just about fixing up someone’s house. It’s about building relationships with those they meet along the way. TOP RIGHT: Work in West Memphis included some repairs to homes and some much needed yard cleanups. BOTTOM LEFT: Youth volunteers with OMP do work that otherwise might not get done due to financial needs. BOTTOM MIDDLE: A pair of OMP volunteers take a break for a quick photo op. BOTTOM RIGHT: Nothing like whacking a few weeds on a hot summer day.

Photos courtesy of OMP

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