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Time for some troofing




Evening Times Editor

In my family, we have some weird words that have become part of our vocabulary. Some are pretty self-explanatory, like how we call pancakes “pan-a-cakes,” because that’s how my daughter said it when she was little. But we also call any fastfood value meal a “chilly-willy-meally-deally” because of some commercial when I was a kid.

We also use “muffin” to mean “nothing” and say “sandabuddy” for peanut butter” and “puts” for “foots” — well, feet, I guess.

My grandson has already added to the family dictionary with “key-kat” for cat… and dog and any animal. A chicken was a “key-cat” just the other day.

One of my favorites, though, came from our middle child. In his younger days he was prone to telling tales if he thought it would keep him out of trouble. Anytime we found his side of a


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story or argument to be a tad on the unbelievable side, we’d ask him, “Are you telling a lie?” If he was, he would usually cave immediately — He wasn’t a very convincing liar.

But if he was being honest, he would get a super-serious look on his face and insist, “No, I’m troofing.”

And that was usually good enough for me. And I think it’s way past time we insist on the people running things to start doing some troofing too.

I watched the presidential debate Thursday night like a lot of you probably did. And it was pretty clear that both of those two fellas have a little trouble with the truth.

As it happened, when I turned on the TV Friday morning, it was still on CNN and all of the talking heads were in a little discussion about the factchecking results of what Biden and Trump said on the debate stage and the results were pretty much what I suspected — both were full of crap… or “malarkey” as Biden likes to say.

Trump definitely told the most lies, but Biden’s lies were probably larger in scope. The funny thing about it is that all of these lies are prerry easily disputable and verifiable these days with 10 seconds on Google. The not-so-funny thing is that very few people will care enough to look them up. The tragic thing is that one of these guys is going to win the election.

And that’s the sad troof…

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