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You had FOUR years…




Evening Times Editor

Take a look to the right of this column and you’ll see the nakes and faces of two men: Dr. Kenneth Bridges, a teacher and historian, and Dr. Glenn Mollette, a minister and author.

I don’t know either of these men personally. I only know them from their writing for their columns and I can make an educated guess about their personal politics based on those writings, and I can state to you unequivocally that I would take either of them in either order as the next President and Vice President of the United States over the two men I watched try to debate Thursday night on TV.

In fact, I can make you a list of a dozen or more men and women that I would take over Joe Biden and Donald Trump to lead this country. You probably can too. The real question remains… how did we end up with these two guys?


From page A4

Look, I’m not a huge fan of the two-party system, primarily because it always boils down to “us vs. them” and a lot of valid ideas get shot down or drowned out, but it’s what we have and really what we’ve pretty much always had, so…


Democrats and Republicans, you had four years to get your ducks in a row and present us with a pair of candidates that we could actually listen to and they could tell us their ideas.

But, instead, we’re running it back with a rematch of 2020.

Actually, if you think about it, counting Biden’s two terms as Vice President and Trump’s term before Biden, we’ve had one or both of these guys at the top of their parties for nearly two decades.

So look, put your personal party preferences aside and ask yourself, how did we end up here? How is a convicted felon who paid off porn stars, defrauded business partners and rallied an insurgency that tried to overturn an election possibly the champion of the moral majority conservative people of this country? How is an octogenarian, frail, possibly senile old white man the champion of a party that claims to be progressive and in tune with younger voters?

I will say, I did get a chuckle the other day though, from a T-shirt that said “MAGA— Maybe Affordable Groceries Again?” Of course, I’m not really looking for humor here.

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