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Commandments law worth a try


Governor Jeff Landry of Louisiana recently signed into law requiring the display of the Ten Commandments in Louisiana’s classrooms.

This is the first law of its kind in the country since 1980 when a more moderate Supreme Court ruled a similar Kentucky law unconstitutional.

The new law gives schools until Jan. 1 to display the Ten Commandments on “a poster or framed document that is at least 11 inches by 14 inches” in every classroom. The commandments have to be the display’s “central focus” and be “printed in a large, easily readable font,” the law says.

Debates and legal challenges are to be expected on Louisiana’s decision. Will it stand if it ends up in front of the Supreme Court? Probably not because the Ten Commandments are part of the Bible and our nation threw that out of the classroom a long time ago. We will not have federal support to reinstate The Golden Rule or the Ten Commandments.

Other religious groups who do not adhere to the Bible may demand the placement of something from their teachings. Therefore, the law will most likely be struck down eventually.

However, it is interesting that it is up to the states to decide about abortion.

Personally, I would like to see the Ten Commandments placed in every classroom, federal building and state building in America. If you do not remember them, go to the Bible and find the book of Exodus. Go to Chapter 20. It is sad that we have to demand that our schools and teachers do what the homes and churches

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Dr. Glenn Mollette American Voices MOLLETTE

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will not do. How many homes in America have the Ten Commandments hanging on a wall?

Many of the churches in America do not have the Ten Commandments posted. Walk into any local church in your town and see if you can find them posted anywhere in the church building.

Most of America’s young people are not in church and they are not paying much attention to mom and dad so I guess we are desperate for America’s teachers to do what the parents and the churches aren’t doing.

We had The Ten Commandments in some of our classrooms in elementary school. I do not ever remember them being read in class, but they were there. We did have a wonderful lady who taught us the Bible one day a week in elementary school.

It’s difficult to have it both ways. Churches and biblicalrelated entities support the separation of church and state on certain issues. Especially when it comes to the idea of taxing churches or other religious groups. Such an endeavor would eliminate 80% of all religious organizations.

However, when it comes to having prayer, Bible reading and The Ten Commandments in the classroom, the idea of separation of church and state becomes a bit muddled in the minds of those who believe in prayer, Bible reading and The Ten Commandments.

In recent years there has been an explosion of Christian and other private schools in our country.

Today, many are crying for answers to school and other mass shootings; many cry for stricter gun laws. The sixth commandment says, “Thou shalt not kill.” Some of the other commandments say, “Honor your father and mother,” and “Don’t steal,” to name a few.

What if posting The Ten Commandments would stop one school shooting or save one life from being heinously taken? Then it would be worth posting them on every school wall in the country.

Surely as a nation we are at the point where we are willing to try.

Dr. Glenn Mollette is a graduate of numerous schools, including Georgetown College and Southern and Lexington seminaries in Kentucky. His column is published in all 50 states. Find books by Dr. Mollette on amazon. com. Learn more at glennmollette. com.

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