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he’s their party’s guy this November, and independent


The legendary football coach Tom Landry once said, “Leadership is having your men look at you and gain confidence.” But when I look at our leaders today I gain no confidence and would be concerned about anyone who did.

[ Editor’s Note: That raises a very excellent point… are there people out there who honestly think either Joe Biden or Donald Trump are the best men for the job? I mean, I get it… at this point, Democrats are going to vote for Biden because he’s not Trump, and Republicans are going to vote for Trump because

voters are going to hold their noses and pick one of them, unless they want to throw a bone to some third party candidate, but I’m honestly wondering, do any of you actually look at either of these two men and, as the quote above suggests, gain confidence. I do not. Both of these guys have been president for four years, and I feel like if either of them were great at the job, we would have seen it by now. Anyway, can’t wait for the big debate tonight…]

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