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It has been said “Now ….


It has been said “Now is the time for all good men to come to the aid of their country” but what are we to do when there are no more good men?

[ Editor’s Note: I don’t think there are “ no good men”… I think all of the good men have the common sense to stay out of the clown show we’re currently getting. What you’ve got right now is two extremes playing tug- o- war with the nation, and there’s no room for a centrist or a moderate to grab a hold of the rope. Take someone like U. S. Senator Joe Manchin, a Democrat. He is being maligned by both parties. The Democrats are mad because he won’t play ball with their oh- sotight majority in the Senate, while Republicans malign him for daring to associate himself with his own party.

He has said on more than one occasion that he doesn’t “ feel like there’s a place for” him, a condervative Democrat. A little closer to home, look at our oformer governor, Asa Hutchinson who is a moderate- minded Republican. Even after two very successful stints as governor, he was bashed by members of his own party for being a RINO, or Republican in Name Only.

As for the “ good” Democrats, they get similarly drowned out by the loud leftists and their extreme views too. I’m now reminded of another quote: “ The only thing necessary for evil to tri-umph is for good men to do nothing.”

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