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OK, we get it… You ….


OK, we get it… You are a Democrat. But you complain all the time about the lack of bipartisanship and party-first politicians but you never give any Republican credit for anything. So are you saying that every single GOP idea is bad?

Like every single one? [ Editor’s Note: You know what?

It’s actually getting pretty hard to confidently say, “ I’m a Democrat” these days, because quite frankly, both parties are pretty embarrassing.

And look, I was perfectly willing to back Asa Hutchinson’s presidential bid, but nooooo… he wasn’t Trumpy enough for the MAGA crowd so his voice was lost in a sea of noise. And no, not every Republican idea is bad. For example, not to ruffle any feathers or risk being accused of being “ woke” or whatever, but I do not think born- male athletes should be allowed to compete in women’s sports. Yes, everyone should have the same human rights as anyone else, but there are plenty of laws that clearly demonstrate that your rights end where my rights begin, so I think that very clearly means that the 99.9% of women who compete in women’s sports have a more pressing right to compete on an even playing field than the 0.1% who would clearly have a competitive advantage by being born male.

And while I’m siding with the GOP on something, as much as I abhor Donald Trump, his move to double the standard tax deduction to simplify the way millions of Americans file their taxes was a great idea. It made it so much easier to simply take the deduction than try to find itemized deductions that added up to the “ plug and play” figure we have now. In fact, I don’t think he went as far as he wanted to with it, with some version of a flat tax, whether it’s a “ You made this many dollars, you pay this much in taxes” or some kind of sliding scale where the more you make the more you pay and vice versa.

But in any event, see? I like at least some Repubilcan stuff]

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