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Could you please reprint when the Crittenden County Master Gardener Plant Sale is?


Are the same people in charge of fixing the Rich Road bridge the ones putting in the new baseball and softball fields at West Memphis High School? I was hoping to watch my kids play there but I guess maybe I can watch my grandkids play there … maybe? I’ll just have to go the long way around to get there since I can’t use Rich Road to get there! [Editor’s Note: To quote Russian comedian Yakov Smirvoff, “Is funny because is true.” But it’s really not all that funny. It is completely unfathomable that the Rich Road bridge has still not been repaired. Has it been three years? Maybe longer. My dad and his friends could probably knock that out over a weekend and they’re super old. As for the ball fields, I know there was some long delay because there were questions about where the funding for the fields was coming from (even though there never was any clarity about who was asking these questions or why, nor was there any actual controversy surrounding the funds) and that was enough to ensure that the fields were not ready for this season … fingers crossed for 2025, I guess]

[Editor’s Note: Sure, it’s Friday, May 10 and Saturday, May 11. Details can be found in the News Briefs today and moving forward in future print and online editions] This is to all the Christians in Arkansas. The election is coming soon. I don’t know if the Arkansas Abortion Amendment will be on the ballot or not. If you read Psalms 139, especially verses 13-16, God made it clear that he made all human beings. He knew us before we were conceived and had plans for us. If you take that life before it has a chance to receive God’s plan for it, it is murder. The law says if a mother that is pregnant is murdered, they call it a double murder. So why don’t they call abortion murder? That’s just what it is. If you believe the Bible, like I do, you have to call it murder. Just remember, God placed that baby there. He has plans for it. Even if it is meant for someone else to raise it. God loves that baby and has plans for it. Please don’t take that away from him or her. He has plans for all of us. Some don’t seek His plan and ruin their life. God wants us to seek His will for our life, which is far better than our own. I hope and pray Christians will vote the Bible. God bless you. [Editor’s Note: I have heard more than one legit news person claim that in the 2024 election, up and down the board, that the abortion issue will be the deciding factor. And while I get that abortion is a very serious issue, I’m not sure if We the People should be allowing it (or any other single issue) to hijack the democratic process. That is literally what the Supreme Court has allowed to happen, possibly intentionally. Having said that, there are definitely worse ideas than “vote the Bible” for a philosophy. Let’s just make sure we vote the whole Bible]

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