Honey has long been used as a treatment for wound care
Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D
DEAR DR. ROACH: In a recent column, a reader questioned the advice of their doctor to use Vaseline rather than an antibiotic ointment on a surgical incision following removal of skin cancer. The doctor stated concern about antibiotic resistance, and you added that antibiotic creams could cause skin irritations. I have had eight surgical procedures for basal cell cancer and at least as many more negative biopsies, which were negative but still needed post-surgical care. I am highly allergic to many antibiotics, both oral and topical, so after several complications, I learned I could apply honey to the surgical site to keep the tissue moist and provide a barrier. As a bonus, it has properties that aid in healing. — L.C. ANSWER: Honey has been used for millennia for the treatment of wounds, and modern medicine is finally catching up to the ancients in this regard. Honey is now known to have antibacterial properties against many different bacteria, as well as providing the barrier and moisture functions you correctly point out. The wound care specialists I consulted were generally optimistic about honey-based dressings, which now come in gels, bandages, ointments and other forms for convenient skin care. Honey is not appropriate for clearly infected wounds. I would caution against buying just any honey from the market or a health food store, as it is medical grade honey that has been studied. This can be purchased at surgical supply stores or online retailers. Surgical wounds are usually clean, and most do not need the antimicrobial properties of either antibiotics or honey, so my advice for plain petrolatum stands for people with clean surgical wounds. *** Dr. Roach regrets that he is unable to answer individual letters, but will incorporate them in the column whenever possible. Readers may email questions to ToYourGood-Health@med.cornell.edu or send mail to 628 Virginia Dr., Orlando, FL 32803.