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No Surprise

No Surprise


Like, I’m at a conference last week and the speaker — a man respected by many in the business — says in response to questions about the young people coming on who we expect to fill our shoes someday: “We adults will have to take them in hand and sort them out.”

That is because they are not where they need to be: Not mentally, morally, physically, financially or in any other respect. In particular, the topic was about marijuana use by the next generations and the impact it will make on our profession- one which is based on safety, dependability and culpability. It requires tact, maturity and responsibility which it is impossible to attain by pot-heads.

And our new generations simply don’t have their habit under control.

But it is not just in the area of drug use, but of other areas of life, including a significant lack of maturity or leadership that is being called into question these days. Not only the general populace of youngsters… but even extending to their socalled prominent leaders.

For instance… if I’m driving down the street and some bug-eyed woman comes off the street, waving her arms and beating on my car, screaming at me, “The end of the world is coming in ten years and we have to kill all the cows and stop driving cars!”

My response would be to hit the door locks, roll up the windows and floor the gas pedal in order to get away from that maniac as soon as humanly possible.

Yet, in the halls of Congress, it seems to be perfectly acceptable behavior for politicians sit in their seats and listen to these exact same ravings of the Bartender-turned-Politician, Alexandria Ocasio- Cortez about her Green New Deal!

I don’t know if that is high praise for me, or condemnation of our political scene… perhaps both. But, question Cortez’s Green Deal and she rebuts-not with facts, but with quips to the detractors of her hair-brained scheme, quote: “Until you do it, I’m the boss!”


How is that applicable?

After all, wasn’t it was a former statesman, Daniel Patrick Moynihan, who once observed, “‘Everyone is entitled to his own opinion, but not to his own facts?”

So, who made Cortez the ultimate arbiter of truth, the boss?

No one, that’s who.

She is like a whiny child insisting on having her way. But, her ideas are so bone-headed, so hairbrained that no one is able to find any sense in her ravings such as free education for all, universal free health care, getting rid of ICE agents and making the border wide open, racial reparations, taxing businessmen at a 70 percent tax rate and kill entrepreneurship and job creation in this country-instead going full bore ahead with socialism.

And here is where it stops being funny.

Because we can laugh at a buffoon like AOC.

Yet, when you start talking socialism and it’s full-blown flower-Communism- which naturally springs from it, then you are talking about the death of the nation.

Only, unlike some, I’m not surprised about where this is all going. For, like a wayward child, the forbidden fruit-that is getting something for nothing-is everything to a totally undeveloped immature mind.

(Yet, in reality, this does not exist-for everything costs something to somebody.) Or, as Margaret Thatcher once said, “The trouble with Socialism is that eventually you run out of other people’s money.”

The observation that a segment of society below a certain age is embracing socialism is, unfortunately, too true.

For these young folks don’t have the benefit of a long life history-which teaches us the lessons of the past. And Lord, don’t depend on our so-called ‘educational institutions’ which are filled with leftist activists and pencil-necked professors with no real world experience telling them about the horrors that socialism brought to the world in just the brief time it has existed in the world.

And another thing about history — even if our youth were informed of the dangers of that pernicious system, history is a study of the past… but is not instructional about the future. We may face a future which may indeed turn socialist… if, indeed, there is no accounting for responsibility or personal duty.

Long gone are the days in the Democrat Party of the John Kennedy’s who famously implored Americans, “Ask not what your country can do for you.

Ask what you can do for your country.”

Those patriotic words ring hollow to the liberal world today.

Which is even more dangerous for mankind.

For the truth is this; while some insist that capitalism (as put forward by the lefties in this country as well as internationally) is an evil because it results in outcomes with some people benefitting more than others; the cancer that is socialism is much, much worse.

Because in a socialist society all are equally miserable.

That is because to get a ‘level playing field’ in which welfare, money, education, health and all empowered rights are equal, of necessity a centralized government would seize power and reduce all to the lowest common denominator.

The money in circulation would be tightly controlled and would only provide sustenance level or below to the whole. Without incentive to save and increase income, there is no incentive to either work or produce. Our industries, and indeed-our companies across the board-would make nothing. For where there is no incentive to work… there is no work.


Education would be fundamental, mundane, inferior. Access to health benefits minimal, delayed or non-existent.

Then in addition, all talented professionals, artists, intellectuals and scientists, doctors, and statesmen with any common sense and love of liberty would have no part in such a system and would hasten to flee to other nations in response.

So there is your socialist state (or communist one.): Bereft of benefits, or even concern for the populace, ruled by elitists who control the lives of the masses, and void of brain power or brawn, lacking talented citizens to lead or instruct the country.

But, hey! I’m not the boss.

AOC says she is. Uh-huh.

Robert L. Hall is a resident of Marion and has a Bachelor’s Degree in music from the University of Memphis and a Master’s Degree from Florida State University. He is the pianist for Avondale Baptist Church and a writer of fiction on Amazon eBooks.

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