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Network. The program is a systematic community outreach program aimed at reducing violent crime.

In all 14,000 man hours of training were logged with even more for 2016. Police offer businesses and schools active shooter training. Workshops planned officers in 2016 include leadership development, community engagement, ethics, stress management and self improvement “The department will be hosting a Blue Courage Training Seminar,” said Johnson. “All WMPD officers will attend and the seminar will be open to surrounding

law enforcement


The Fire Department

opened training to other fire departments too. The city hosted an 80 hour driver/operator class from the Arkansas Fire Academy. New Tornado sirens were installed with funding from a grant. New grants won by the WMFD included a $19,000 FEMA port security grant for new water rescue equipment, $16,800 ADEM funds for Hazmat Equipment, and $1,000 from Walmart for fire prevention. Public relation highlights included schooling 200 kids during the October fire prevention month, receiving recognition for being a quality employer of military guardsmen and reservists, and participating in the JA backpack give away. Lt.

Scott Simpson represented the WMFD in a national 9/11 stair climb competition. The big red fire truck ran 1,348 times with ambulance responses numbering 4,862.

The Utilities Department

completed rehabs of manholes in the north part of the city and began work the same work on the biggest drainage basin in the southeast part of the city along with the pump station at 22nd and Monroe. The electrical substation near ASU-Mid South was upgraded and remodeled.

“These equated to approximately one million dollars spent on improvements to the city’s infrastructure,” said Johnson. “The West Memphis Utilities continue to maintain the lowest water rates in the state and now have the second lowest residential rates in the state.”

The Public Works Department worked on rain water runoff during 2015.

Using an 80/20 Community Development Block Grant South 10th Street benefited form a drainage improvement project. Two big drainage basins were dug effectively reducing flooding in Westwood Acres in the southwest part of the city. Code enforcement was ratcheted up on mowing, illegal dumping and tire disposal. E-waste and latex paint were added to the recycling options offered by the city. A total of 11,000 linear feet of roads were overlaid in all corners of the city.

The Community Development Department administered CDBG grants too, overseeing 61 home rehabs done by volunteer groups and the demolition of 49 substandard and vacant places. MATA bus ridership increased to more than 20,00 free riders per month. Eco-park development and a surfaced trail project started to coincide with the Big River Crossing for bikes and pedestrians on the Harahan Bridge.

ful November 2016 open-ing with 70 new employees in manufacturing averaging $21 per hour. The Police Department went all in on training. West Memphis was one of just five cities chosen to participate in the U.S. De-partment of Justice pilot program, the Violence Re-duction

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