12 March 2025


A sudden realization

A sudden realization

VIEWPOINT By RALPH HARDIN Evening Times Editor L ike I’m sure many of you do, I enjoy the comedic stylings of Will Farrell. Sure, not every...


Celebrating Boys and Girls Clubs

Celebrating Boys and Girls Clubs

I n life there are sometimes “full circle” moments that help us appreciate things more, provide some needed perspective or produce nostalgia ...


Property tax cut approved

Property tax cut approved

T he Senate has approved a property tax cut that will save Arkansas homeowners $56 million every year. The tax reduction is in Senate Bill 26...


Homestead Property Tax Credit increase a boon for homeowners

Homestead Property Tax Credit increase a boon for homeowners

T his week, the House voted 96-0 in favor of a bill to increase the Homestead Property Tax Credit. HB1534 increases the credit from $500 to $600...




“Now to him who is able to do immeasurably more than all we ask or imagine, according to his power that is at work within us, to him be glory in ...
05 March 2025




VIEWPOINT By RALPH HARDIN Evening Times Editor M y grandson will be 19 months old this Saturday. That’s not a milestone age or anything ...


Supporting Americans with disabilities and their families

Supporting Americans with disabilities and their families

M arch is a beautiful month in Arkansas as the world begins again with spring. It is also a great time to celebrate the many ways we work togethe...


Bills regulating signature gathering passed

Bills regulating signature gathering passed

T he Senate has approved a package of bills with tougher regulations for the signature-gathering process by which citizens can place issues on st...


Legislators extend session in Little Rock

Legislators extend session in Little Rock

D uring the 7th week of the 2025 Regular Session, the House approved HCR1006, extending the session until April 16, with adjournment Sine Die on ...




“Leave the presence of a fool, for there you do not meet words of knowledge. The wisdom of the prudent is to discern his way, but the folly of fo...
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