08 April 2016


Hooper Sales Co., Inc.

Hooper Sales Co., Inc.

Hooper Sales Co., Inc. ......




CAP cadet takes orientation flight Garrett gets a turn behind the controls in the friendly skies From 99th Composite Squadron Arkansas Wing Civi...
07 April 2016


Crappie Man

Crappie Man

Crappie Man All fisherman want to catch fish, but only 25% of the fishermen catch 75% of the fish. Are 25% just lucky or do they know fishing tech...


Days on the water

Days on the water

Photo submitted Days on the water Crittenden county residents Monica Phillips-Dover and daughter Michelle had big days on the lake last week ...


Northeast  Arkansas  Fishing Report

Northeast Arkansas Fishing Report

Northeast Arkansas Fishing Report Lake Poinsett State Park said some bass are being caught, and a few people have already reported some bream b...


AGFC begins new statewide search for CWD

AGFC begins new statewide search for CWD

AGFC begins new statewide search for CWD LITTLE ROCK – With 56 confirmed cases of chronic wasting disease found in northern Arkansas so far, the...


St. Francis Levee District

St. Francis Levee District

St. Francis Levee District Progress 2016 Created in 1893 by the Arkansas State Legislature, the St. Francis Levee District serves as the primar...


West Memphis School District

West Memphis School District

Earle to seek grants for new Library Quorum Court backs effort to secure funds news@theeveningtimes.com The county library is applying for tw...
04 April 2016


Cargill donates ‘Res-Q-Tube to WMFD

Cargill donates ‘Res-Q-Tube to WMFD

Cargill donates ‘Res-Q-Tube to WMFD Unique piece of equipment will aid in confined space evacuations news@theeveningtimes.com The recen...


Today in History

Today in History

Today in History 1792 The United States authorizes the minting of the $10 Eagle, $5 half-Eagle & 2.50 quarter-Eagle gold coins as well as ...
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