29 August 2016
Area Agency on Aging offers local Caregiver Support Group

Area Agency on Aging offers local Caregiver Support Group

Area Agency on Aging offers local Caregiver Support Group Monthly meeting open to local care providers for elderly, disabled East Arkansas Are...
Child and Adult Care Food Program

Child and Adult Care Food Program

Child and Adult Care Food Program The Frank C. Steudlein Learning Center is participating in the Child and Adult Care Food Program. This will ...
Let Tops Bar-B-Q handle your Labor Day needs

Let Tops Bar-B-Q handle your Labor Day needs

Summer heat fuels MPO concerns over air quality Ozone levels flirting with EPA standards news@theeveningtimes.com Hot summer months can make ...
25 August 2016
Filter plant done by October

Filter plant done by October

Filter plant done by October Marion Council gets update on project progress news@theeveningtimes.com A new water filter plant in Marion should b...
Game wardens

Game wardens

Celebrity Carnival ‘16 an ‘extraordinary’ success Director ‘ overwhelmed’ at community suppory DeltaARTS DeltaARTS celebrated anothe...
24 August 2016
Text The Times.

Text The Times.

Text The Times. 870-225-1456 Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: What seems to be the problem with the Evening Times delivery ...
County seeking additional grant funds to digitize court records

County seeking additional grant funds to digitize court records

County seeking additional grant funds to digitize court records Funds would be used to scan, preserve older documents news@theeveningtimes.com ...
23 August 2016
‘Drowsy Driving’ a growing problem

‘Drowsy Driving’ a growing problem

‘Drowsy Driving’ a growing problem State Farm issues consumer alert, offers safety tips State Farm Insurance You can now add a fourth “Dâ...
Text The Times.

Text The Times.

Text The Times. 870-225-1456 Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: Do we still have an e-recycle area (computers, printers, etc...
22 August 2016
Gas prices rise as fall nears

Gas prices rise as fall nears

Gas prices rise as fall nears Uptick has rates nearing $ 2 per gallon Sr. Petroleum Analyst Average retail gasoline prices in Arkansas have rise...
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