31 August 2016


Collin Chambers (2) hauls in a touchdown pass against  Blytheville last fall.

Collin Chambers (2) hauls in a touchdown pass against Blytheville last fall.

Collin Chambers (2) hauls in a touchdown pass against Blytheville last fall. Photo by Chuck Livingston ......


Matthew Baker (3) handles a carry in West Memphis Christian’s season opener.

Matthew Baker (3) handles a carry in West Memphis Christian’s season opener.

Matthew Baker (3) handles a carry in West Memphis Christian’s season opener. Photo by Chuck Livingston ......


Jarricus Robinson (34) cuts upfield against Batesville.

Jarricus Robinson (34) cuts upfield against Batesville.

Jarricus Robinson (34) cuts upfield against Batesville. Photo by Billy Woods ......


Where will West Memphis Christian wind up?

Where will West Memphis Christian wind up?

Where will West Memphis Christian wind up? Sports Editor While a lot of people don’t think of football season as officially starting until ea...


Picking the Blue

Picking the Blue

Picking the Blue Sports Editor Welcome back to Prognostication Week 2016, everybody! I’m sticking with that as the name because nobody came ...


Picking the 2016 Marion Patriots

Picking the 2016 Marion Patriots

Picking the 2016 Marion Patriots Sports Editor There’s really nothing like a road trip in the fall to cover a football game. You stop off and fi...


Where will Earle’s 2016 season go?

Where will Earle’s 2016 season go?

Feeding our first responders a free lunch Community shows appreciation to local fire, police news@theeveningtimes.com Doors opened early and the...
30 August 2016


Depot Day

Depot Day

Photos by John Rech Depot Day The big crowd at Depot Day bustled about coming and going. Earle High School students sold baked goods, cold drin...


Text The Times.

Text The Times.

Text The Times. Inquiring Minds Want To Know!!! A man, do not know his name but lives on Shiloh, why can he take his yard trash and dump it by the...
29 August 2016


Earle News

Earle News

Earle News The Red Hat Society Museum Muses met at More Than Bread restaurant in West Memphis Aug. 20 where they enjoyed a lunch of soul food. ...
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