12 September 2016
Labor Day wraps up cheapest summer at the pump in 12 years

Labor Day wraps up cheapest summer at the pump in 12 years

Labor Day wraps up cheapest summer at the pump in 12 years $ 18.9 billion saved by U. S. motorists Sr. Petroleum Analyst BOSTON – With summer...
Delta Mechanical Contractors

Delta Mechanical Contractors

Hospital groundbreaking tomorrow Special ceremony at Welcome Center for new Baptist facility news@theeveningtimes.com It’s an early step bu...
09 September 2016
Church Announcements

Church Announcements

Church Announcements Send church items to wmtimesclerk@ gmail. com by 10 a. m. Wednesday. The deadline for faxed items and hand- delivered items i...
The Value of Church

The Value of Church

The Value of Church ‘AWord from the Pastor’ By Clayton Adams September 18 is National Back to Church Sunday in America. The National Back to...
Kessinger, Moore highlight latest  WM HOF class

Kessinger, Moore highlight latest WM HOF class

Kessinger, Moore highlight latest WM HOF class Let's play word association. Ready? First word: West Memphis. Ummm, that's two ...
Home, sweet home

Home, sweet home

Home, sweet home Bramucci back as Lady Pats extend home streak Sports Editor Upon first glance, the Marion Middle School gymnasium wouldn’t ...
AWM golf and tennis goes down to the wire

AWM golf and tennis goes down to the wire

AWM golf and tennis goes down to the wire WM School District The Academies of West Memphis golf and tennis teams recently held tightly contested m...
08 September 2016
Officials praise ‘unbelievable’ efforts to bring Baptist to Crittenden County

Officials praise ‘unbelievable’ efforts to bring Baptist to Crittenden County

Officials praise ‘unbelievable’ efforts to bring Baptist to Crittenden County New hospital breaks ground in West Memphis news@theeveningti...
Northeast Arkansas HomeCare recognized in CMS Five-Star Quality Rating System

Northeast Arkansas HomeCare recognized in CMS Five-Star Quality Rating System

Northeast Arkansas HomeCare recognized in CMS Five-Star Quality Rating System Kudos for West Memphisbased home health service LHC Group, Inc. W...
From the Association of  Mature American Citizens

From the Association of Mature American Citizens

From the Association of Mature American Citizens jpgrimaldi@verizon.net Online help for seniors! The senior population in the U.S. is expandin...
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