21 October 2016


Special Event this Sunday

Special Event this Sunday

Special Event this Sunday The Beautiful Zion Baptist Church, 420 S. 15th St., in West Memphis, will celebrate their annual Women’s Day this Sund...


New Beginning Outreach Ministry

New Beginning Outreach Ministry

New Beginning Outreach Ministry New Beginning Outreach Ministry, 135 S. 9th St., West Memphis: Celebrating Pastor and Wife 15th Anniversary Sunday...


Text The Times.

Text The Times.

Ingram pulls GIF funds from county news@theeveningtimes.com Senator Keith Ingram (DWest Memphis) has pulled his funding from East Arkansas Plan...
20 October 2016


Prescription Drug ‘Take Back’ Day Oct. 22

Prescription Drug ‘Take Back’ Day Oct. 22

Prescription Drug ‘Take Back’ Day Oct. 22 Program part of statewide fight against opiod abuse Judd.Deere@arkansasag.gov LITTLE ROCK – The ...


Hope House holding giveaway Saturday morning

Hope House holding giveaway Saturday morning

Hope House holding giveaway Saturday morning Clothing, household items must go to make room news@theeveningtimes.com Hope House is on the go a...


Ducks calls by a master carver

Ducks calls by a master carver

Ducks calls by a master carver Outdoors Columnist As we get into autumn and serious hunting time approaches, we realize that duck season is not fa...


Northeast Arkansas fishing report

Northeast Arkansas fishing report

Northeast Arkansas fishing report Ome Coleman at Lake Poinsett State Park said the days are getting shorter and the bait sales are slower. Coleman...


Restrictions for transporting  Arkansas deer into Tennessee

Restrictions for transporting Arkansas deer into Tennessee

Earle mayor, councilman clash continues Jones tries to have Cross removed from meeting news@theeveningtimes.com An attempt by Earle Mayor Caroly...
19 October 2016


Boeckmann indicted on fraud, tampering charges

Boeckmann indicted on fraud, tampering charges

Boeckmann indicted on fraud, tampering charges Former Arkansas judge charged in federal case Assistant U.S. Attorney WASHINGTON — A former Ark...
18 October 2016


Gravel Grinder draws a crowd

Gravel Grinder draws a crowd

Gravel Grinder draws a crowd Off- road trek previews Big River Trail news@theeveningtimes.com The 2016 Gravel Grinder off-road cycling event w...
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