25 November 2016


Lady Greyhounds hitting the court

Lady Greyhounds hitting the court

Photo courtesy of ASU Mid-South Lady Greyhounds hitting the court The Arkansas State University Mid-South Lady Greyhounds Basketball team is of...


Thanksgiving 2016

Thanksgiving 2016

Thanksgiving 2016 Times Outdoors Columnist Thanksgiving is a wonderful time of year. The trees are beautiful, the air is cool and feels good, a f...


‘Welcome to the  Nut House’

‘Welcome to the Nut House’

‘Welcome to the Nut House’ Times Outdoors Columnist Almost all outdoor people love the autumn with its colorful trees, hunting seasons, and ...


Star AR readers  shine at  Richland Elementary

Star AR readers shine at Richland Elementary

CRDC to launch monthly Earle shopping shuttle Program will take residents to WM Walmart for nominal fee news@theeveningtimes.com Residents of...
24 November 2016


WMCS 1st 9 weeks Honor Rolls

WMCS 1st 9 weeks Honor Rolls

WMCS 1st 9 weeks Honor Rolls www.wmcs.com West Memphis Christian School has released its Honor Roll list for the 1st quarter grading period: All ...


Text The Times.

Text The Times.

Text The Times. 870-225-1456 Here’s what everyone is talking about this week: To the person that was passed by the 4 suv police cars drivin...


Discuss long-term benzodiazepine use with your doctor

Discuss long-term benzodiazepine use with your doctor

Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D Discuss long-term benzodiazepine use with your doctor DEAR DR. ROACH: Last readers and their doctors. week there was an...




HOROSCOPE For Friday, November 25,2016 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Unexpected opportunities to travel might fall into your lap today. Fingers cr...


Stocking up on staples makes family happy for the holidays

Stocking up on staples makes family happy for the holidays

Dear Abby ByAbigailVanBuren Stocking up on staples makes family happy for the holidays DEAR ABB Y: With the hoi- *** iday shopping season alre...




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