28 November 2016


Shop safely online this year

Shop safely online this year

Shop safely online this year Arkansas Attorney General issues Consumer Alert www.arkansasag.gov LITTLE ROCK – As temperatures cool down, Arka...
25 November 2016


Hughes/Horseshoe Lake News

Hughes/Horseshoe Lake News

Hughes/Horseshoe Lake News Surf Club hbacond7@aol.com The Surf Club has concluded their monthly meetings for the year. Officers and Board for ...


Church Announcements

Church Announcements

Church Announcements Send church items to wmtimesclerk@ gmail. com by 10 a. m. Wednesday. The deadline for faxed items and hand- delivered items i...


Plenty to be thankful for

Plenty to be thankful for

Plenty to be thankful for By Clayton Adams I have plenty to be thankful for. For instance my childhood and teenage years were wonderful. My fathe...


New Bethel MBC set for community dinner, toys for tots event Dec. 17

New Bethel MBC set for community dinner, toys for tots event Dec. 17

New Bethel MBC set for community dinner, toys for tots event Dec. 17 Edmondson church to host special holiday gathering news@theeveningtimes.com...


Impressive Rack

Impressive Rack

Submitted photo Impressive Rack Paul Lassiter poses with a nice deer from a recent hunt. The trophy is being mounted by Lakeside Taxidermy. ...


Arkansas closes out regular season on the road

Arkansas closes out regular season on the road

Arkansas closes out regular season on the road Razorbacks take on Missouri with bowl bid at stake By the Evening Times News Staff sports@theev...


‘Save That Trophy…’

‘Save That Trophy…’

‘Save That Trophy...’ Times Outdoors Columnist You have just collected that great trophy. It could be that wall hanger deer with the massive h...


Sports briefs

Sports briefs

Sports briefs • Local high school football — Earle travels to across the state to play the England Lions in the Class 2A State Quarterfinals...


Bulldogs look to remain hot against undefeated Lions

Bulldogs look to remain hot against undefeated Lions

Bulldogs look to remain hot against undefeated Lions Earle rides a four- game winning streak into England tonight for Class 2A Football quarterfin...
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