15 February 2019


Northeast Arkansas Fishing Report

Northeast Arkansas Fishing Report

Northeast Arkansas Fishing Report From the Arkansas Game & Fish Commission (updated 2-6-2019) Ome Coleman at Lake Poinsett State Park sai...


Access to education is a privilege not a right

Access to education is a privilege not a right

Access to education is a privilege not a right OK, Michael, I’m going to sneak up on my argument here and start out by agreeing with you — yes...


There is more that unites  us than divides us

There is more that unites us than divides us

There is more that unites us than divides us The State of the Union address is an important message delivered by the president that serves as a r...


• Spring Volleyball Signups  —

• Spring Volleyball Signups —

• Spring Volleyball Signups — Registration is now underway for the J.W. Rich 2019 Spring Volleyball season. Stop by the Girls Club, 519 Sh...


Southland Wins Trivia Challenge!

Southland Wins Trivia Challenge!

Southland Wins Trivia Challenge! On January 28, DeltaARTS hosted the twelfth annual Trivia Challenge at Southland Gaming & Racing. Teams fro...


Church Announcements

Church Announcements

Church Announcements Send church items to wmtimesclerk@gmail.com by 10 a.m. Wednesday. The deadline for faxed items and hand-delivered items is Tu...


Marriage Licenses

Marriage Licenses

Marriage Licenses Feb. 6 James W. Pentz, 30, of Hernando, Mississippi, and Jennifer O. Williams, 33, of Whiteville, Tennessee Santas I. Ortiz, 49,...


‘Your children deserve better than they are getting right now’

‘Your children deserve better than they are getting right now’

‘Your children deserve better than they are getting right now’ Judge Thorne has stern warning for woman charged with theft news@theeveningti...


‘Ask the Game Warden’

‘Ask the Game Warden’

‘Ask the Game Warden’ Sgt. Smith weighs in on crappie limits at Horseshoe Lake Times Outdoor columnist Q: Several local fishermen want to kn...


Bible Verse

Bible Verse

Bible Verse And God called the light Day, and the darkness he called Night. And the evening and the morning were the first day. And God said, Let...
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