04 February 2016


AGFC director announces retirement

AGFC director announces retirement

AGFC director announces retirement LITTLE ROCK – Arkansas Game and Fish Commission Director Mike Knoedl will be retiring in July. Knoedl made th...
28 January 2016


Duck numbers remain low as season grinds to a close

Duck numbers remain low as season grinds to a close

Duck numbers remain low as season grinds to a close LITTLE ROCK - The 2015-16 Arkansas duck season ends Sunday, and hunters looking for a bright s...


Last Weekend of Duck Season

Last Weekend of Duck Season

Last Weekend of Duck Season By John Criner Outdoors Columnist This coming weekend will put the wraps on the 20152016 duck season. It has been a ...


Northeast Arkansas waterfowl report

Northeast Arkansas waterfowl report

Northeast Arkansas waterfowl report Earl Buss Bayou DeView WMA Map I Water Gauge I Weather Report Boaters should use caution while using the Thomp...
21 January 2016


Northeast  Arkansas fishing report

Northeast Arkansas fishing report

Northeast Arkansas fishing report Lake Poinsett State Park said the rain and cold has kept most anglers off the water. No report. Boxhound Mari...


Northeast Arkansas weekly waterfowl report

Northeast Arkansas weekly waterfowl report

Northeast Arkansas weekly waterfowl report Earl Buss Bayou DeView WMA Map | Water Gauge | Weather Report Boaters should use caution while using th...


Accidents: They could happen to you

Accidents: They could happen to you

Accidents: They could happen to you Two local hunters, Bert Watson and Martin Shea, became life savers of two experienced hunters while duck hunti...
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