06 October 2016


Outdoor hotline to focus on deer, duck and hog regulations

Outdoor hotline to focus on deer, duck and hog regulations

WM A&P corrals multi-purpose arena plans Commission tables proposition to focus on other projects news@theeveningtimes.com We’re out of ...


Arkansas hunters set alligator record at 64

Arkansas hunters set alligator record at 64

Arkansas hunters set alligator record at 64 LITTLE ROCK – The 2016 alligator season ended just before sunrise Sept. 26. As the fog lifted from t...


Northeast  Arkansas fishing report

Northeast Arkansas fishing report

Northeast Arkansas fishing report Ome Coleman at Lake Poinsett State Park said the adage “time does fly when you are having fun” would be an ...
09 June 2016


Best-kept secret

Best-kept secret

Best-kept secret Outdoors Columnist Would you visit a place where there is fishing, boating, horseback riding, hiking trails, camp sites, nic...


Brawleys head to Nationals

Brawleys head to Nationals

Relay for Life Saturday New location, same great cause news@theeveningtimes.com Rain or shine, the 2016 edition of the Crittenden County Rela...
05 May 2016


Local fishing news

Local fishing news

Local fishing news This last week of warmer weather has improved the fishing in local lakes. Crappie have been consistent and the bream are start...
31 March 2016


Northeast Arkansas fishing report

Northeast Arkansas fishing report

Northeast Arkansas fishing report Lake Poinsett State Park said some bass are being caught, and a few people have already reported some bream bed...


Good day

Good day

Photo submitted Good day Kevin Blankenship and son Walker Blankenship each had a good day on the water last week. ......


After Easter

After Easter

After Easter Fishing is similar to planting a garden. Do not plant your garden before Easter because it will not do well. Too much water, not eno...


Big catch

Big catch

Photo submitted Big catch Eli Brackeu, a seven-year-old Richland student from West Memphis, grins about his big catch.  ......
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