26 July 2016


marriage lacking intimacy

marriage lacking intimacy

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Counseling can’t save marriage lacking intimacy DEAR ABBY: I have been married for almost three years to a ...


Cluster headaches come in waves

Cluster headaches come in waves

Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D ©iTo IKdtHh Maidn MJD) Cluster headaches come in waves DEAR DR. ROACH: I was diagnosed with cluster headache at age 2...




Earle eyes new water meters Upgrade could generate thousands in revenue news@theeveningtimes.com Earle may have new water lines, but now the c...
25 July 2016


Bell’s palsy a possible side e_ect of having had chickenpox

Bell’s palsy a possible side e_ect of having had chickenpox

Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D PiTo Krnth Ecomdh. MLB Bell’s palsy a possible side e_ect of having had chickenpox DEAR DR. ROACH: I am 55. I was ha...


Wife foresees a rocky road with husband su_ering demenita

Wife foresees a rocky road with husband su_ering demenita

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Wife foresees a rocky road with husband su_ering demenita DEAR ABBY: After two failed marriages, I married a wo...




HOROSCOPE H©E(Q)S(C©PE AMMS (Maffdn 21 to Apiri 19) For Tuesday, July 26, 2016 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) An unexpected social invitation mi...
22 July 2016


WATCHMAN device is alternative treatment for a-_b

WATCHMAN device is alternative treatment for a-_b

Agk BiFo Kdtffln IRsMdh MUD) Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D WATCHMAN device is alternative treatment for a-_b DEAR DR. ROACH: I have been diagnosed wi...


Family resent boyfriend for usurping dad’s chair

Family resent boyfriend for usurping dad’s chair

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Family resent boyfriend for usurping dad’s chair DEAR ABBY: My beloved father passed away three years ago. One...




HOROSCOPE For Saturday, July 23, 2016 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Keep in mind that this is an excellent summer to improve your job or get a bet...
21 July 2016


How to up vitamin D without upsetting tummy

How to up vitamin D without upsetting tummy

Ask IDfe K@Mn Kdmdn MJD) Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D How to up vitamin D without upsetting tummy DEAR DR. ROACH: I was wondering if you can give me...
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