07 September 2016


Feverfew is commonly used to prevent migraines

Feverfew is commonly used to prevent migraines

Ask Oro IKcBsnttDn Ednadn MJD) Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D Feverfew is commonly used to prevent migraines DEAR DR. ROACH: I read your recent colum...




HOROSCOPE TATUMUS(Apiri2toMæy2) CANCM(JJmum©21toJMy22) For Thursday, September 8, 2016 ARIES (March 21 to April 19) Guess what? The next 12 m...
06 September 2016


Is it safe to take thyroid meds with normal thyroid lab results?

Is it safe to take thyroid meds with normal thyroid lab results?

Ask Efe IMúfln EdMdh MJD) Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D Is it safe to take thyroid meds with normal thyroid lab results? DEAR DR. ROACH: About 35 ye...


Husband with sleepy wife wants marriage to wake up

Husband with sleepy wife wants marriage to wake up

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Husband with sleepy wife wants marriage to wake up DEAR ABBY: I have been married to my soul mate for 25 years. ...
05 September 2016


Anglo woman using Spanish fears she may be out of line

Anglo woman using Spanish fears she may be out of line

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Anglo woman using Spanish fears she may be out of line DEAR ABBY: I am a retired librarian who lives in Texas. I...


Earlier is better for potential  Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis

Earlier is better for potential Alzheimer’s disease diagnosis

Depot Day at the Crittenden County Museum Photos by John Rech The return of the Crittenden County Museum’s Depot Day had Main Street in Earle ...
02 September 2016


Relative’s incontinence is the eleplant in the room

Relative’s incontinence is the eleplant in the room

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Relative’s incontinence is the eleplant in the room DEAR ABBY: One of my relatives has become incontinent. S...


For stroke prevention, it might be worth trying a di_erent statin

For stroke prevention, it might be worth trying a di_erent statin

ÈA UDiPo KeMh Eadn MJD) Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D For stroke prevention, it might be worth trying a di_erent statin DEAR DR. ROACH: I take two...
01 September 2016


Cancer is not contagious like an infection

Cancer is not contagious like an infection

Ask Dr. Keith Roach M.D IDte Kfi(Uh EdMdh MJD) Cancer is not contagious like an infection DEAR DR. ROACH: Afriend of mine is undergoing treatme...


her path after high school

her path after high school

Dear Abby By Abigail Van Buren Girl feels pressure to choose her path after high school DEAR ABBY: I'm a young woman of 16 years and I&...
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